Chapter 7: The Funeral

Start from the beginning

"I just want her to know I'm sorry."

"I'm sure she already does," Bow wiped away some of his own tears building up. "And she wouldn't want you to miss this."

Glimmer nodded, taking in his words. Deep down, she knew he was right. She just wished she could hear those words from someone else.

Going to her wardrobe to get dressed, Glimmer tried to stifle the rest of her sobs. It was pointless and she'd start crying again soon enough, but she figured she might as well try to pull herself together.

She put on a simple black dress, combed her hair back and wiped the ruined makeup from her face. She didn't reapply anything, not having the time nor motivation to. Returning to Bow, who had promised to wait for her, the two walked to where the funeral would take place. Glimmer held onto Bow's hand tightly, borrowing some strength from him to keep herself from dissolving, not knowing Bow was doing the same.


As the princesses made their way to the outside garden in which the ceremony would take place, the brightness of the day paired with the cool breeze made for a pleasant afternoon. Strange, considering the occasion.

The casket was at the end of the pathway, placed before a few chairs lined around it. Flowers were everywhere, courtesy of Perfuma, making the area smell sweet and inviting. The casket itself was decorated with blue flowers matching the shade of Adora's eyes.

A few sat down, while others stood in groups and talked quietly to one another. Bow and Glimmer were the last to arrive, sitting next to Micah at the front.

"I wish I had gotten to know her better," Micah said, the others nodding in agreement.

Glimmer looked around until she found the person she was most interested in: Catra.

By herself, she stood away from the main crowd, watching everything with a steady expression. She didn't have any red eyes, nor did she even look upset. To Glimmer's surprise, she was keeping unexpectedly cool given the circumstances. She was about to go over to her when she saw Scorpia walk over instead. Turning away, she decided not to intervene.

"Hey wildcat," Scorpia greeted calmly. "How are you holding up?"

Catra was going to ignore her, but realized that's be wrong and offered a shrug instead. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Scorpia asked worriedly.

"What do you want me to say Scorpia?" Catra asked bitterly.

"I don't know," Scorpia admitted. "I just thought you'd be a little more...emotional is all."

"It's just a funeral," Catra crossed her arms against her chest. "It's not that big of a deal. Just leave it at that, alright?" Seeing the expression on Scorpia's face, she added hesitantly, "I just don't see the point in talking about this right now."

Scorpia sighed. She understood but at the same time, she just wished Catra would open up about everything. Bottling something like this up couldn't be healthy, but the fact that Catra was saying anything at all to her seemed like a step in the right direction.

The time came for people to speak. Bow and Glimmer went first, taking turns talking when the other was having trouble. They shared stories, adventures, regrets. There were times when they laughed and times when they cried.

Swift Wind went next, his colors dimmer than usual. It was probably the first time he had gone talking about something other than himself for such a long time period. As he was talking, Catra scanned the crowd.

Mermista and Sea Hawk were holding hands, though they were trying to in secret. He was blubbering like a baby, whereas Mermista was dry-eyed but gripping onto Sea Hawk all the same. Perfuma, Entrapta and Frosta sat a few seats over, feeling just as despondent. Scorpia stood next to her, which was nice. She appreciated the company despite the fact that she had tried to isolate herself earlier. Catra was glad to see that Shadow Weaver wasn't invited, nor had she made any unplanned entrances.

There was just one anomaly. Catra couldn't help but stare at the person directly across from them, standing away from the crowd as well, still and unmoved.

"Who invited 6-32?" Catra whispered to Scorpia, watching him suspiciously.

"He asked Bow if he could come I think," Scorpia said. "Why?"

"He didn't even know her," Catra said. "Just seems weird." As though he heard her, the guard turned to look at Catra, unnerving her further. Despite his help so far, she didn't trust him yet.

Looking away, she saw that Lonnie was speaking now. Kyle and Rogelio watched encouragingly from their seats. Catra watched in wonder at how naturally they seemed to fit in with the rebellion now. She wondered if Adora had become so comfortable so fast as well.

Her mind wandered back to the day Adora left. She still vividly remembered the hurt she felt. Maybe if she had stayed long enough to talk things out the right way, not leaving all that time for resentment to build up, maybe things could've gone differently.

Scorpia nudged Catra, causing the latter to realize that people were looking at her.

"Did you want to say anything?" Scorpia asked her quietly, likely repeating what had already been asked when Catra wasn't paying attention.

Not enjoying being put on the spot, Catra looked down at the ground, making it clear she didn't have anything to say.

With that, the ceremony came to a close soon after. Everyone watched as the casket was lowered into the ground. The dirt was shoveled on top of it, and just like that Adora disappeared. All that was left of her was the gravestone, which to Catra looked so out of place in such a beautiful garden.

How could any world be beautiful without Adora in it?

As the sun got lower in the sky, people left. There was a reception in the banquet hall where people could mingle and eat. Still, a few hung around for a while longer. Eventually, there was only two left.

Glimmer stood next to Catra, both staring down at the grave.

"Hey," Glimmer said, breaking the silence.

Catra looked over at her, unsure of where this conversation would be heading. If the princess really thought she was about to get her to open up, she would be deeply mistaken.

"Relax," Glimmer said. "I just wanted you to have this." Holding out her hand, she gave Catra an envelope with her name written on it.

"What is it?" Catra asked.

"A letter from Adora." Glimmer looked up at the sky, feeling strange talking about Adora while looking at her tombstone. "I think she would want you to have it."

Catra didn't take her eyes away from the letter.

"Thank you," Catra said quietly, not sure if Glimmer heard her or not.

Smiling sadly, Glimmer walked away. It was probably best she left Catra alone.

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