Chapter 4: The Test

Start from the beginning

With a click of a button, Glimmer's entire head lit up and everything went black.


When 6-32 returned to the cells, he didn't expect to see Catra still there, but there she stood, barrier disabled and waiting.

"You shouldn't be here."

Catra stared him down. "I want to know what game you're playing."

"Are kidding me I-" The guard looked around exasperatedly, "I went through a lot of trouble to get you that code you know. I'd hate to see you waste my time."

"What game are you playing?" Catra repeated herself.

"This is not a game," The guard walked closer to Catra. "Unless you find your friend's torture to be fun."

"Torture?" Catra frowned. She kicked the guards chest, sending him spiraling backwards. Launching at him, she took the gun from his shoulder and aimed it at his head. "You betrayed us!"

"I did my job," The guard stared back, unconcerned. "Will you do yours?"

"Why do you care what happens to us?"

The guard looked down contemplatively. "The stories of this planet have traveled farther than you realize. There are some who exist, who don't share Horde Prime's agenda."

"And you're one of them?"

"I want to believe your armies can defeat him," The guard held out his hand for the gun, "But I need to know what type of people command them. I'm not trading in one villain for another."

So this is a test, Catra thought. She glanced at the elevator. If she remembered how she got to the cells correctly, that could take her back to the main deck or to some spare ships. She could escape.

"Your friend doesn't have a lot of time," The guard broke through her thoughts. "She won't be killed, but she won't be the same."

Catra was stuck. She didn't trust this guy, but she had to admit she'd still be in that cell without him. "I get to keep the gun?"

"We'll see about that." The guard snatched the gun out of her hand, slinging it back over his shoulder. "Depends on what you decide."

Catra nodded. She ran to the elevator, not sure how much time she had left. Inside, she watched the doors close on the guard who stood there silently watching. She wondered if she'd regret not pulling that trigger.

As the doors closed she examined the buttons. It was in a different language to her annoyance but luckily there were symbols next to the important ones. Her finger hovered over the level for the spaceship docks.

Three levels down, five doors from the right.

Catra grimaced. She couldn't save Glimmer on her own, right? There really was no point if they were both going to be captured again. Anyone would make the same call.

I'm not trading in one villain for another.

Catra sighed in frustration. She was indeed going to regret this.

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