Mistakes | Sebastian

Start from the beginning

"No, don't do that. I don't want to be near you either." I shot him down quickly, not even looking over at him.

Sebastian sighed and everything was quiet for a moment before he flagged down the bartender.

"Two Red Sunsets please." Sebastian ordered causing me to stare it him in annoyance. He just shot me a charismatic smile.

"Coming right up." He nodded, moving away to make them.

"I'm not going to drink that." I told him unhappily, not appreciating his antics.

"Even she finds that drink too girly." Walker spoke up, looking Sebastian over as he took the jab at him. I sighed and put my head back in my hands, starting to get a headache.

"Can you two bicker somewhere else?" I complained.

"Why? You wanna get outta here?" Walker asked, putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Get your arm off of her." Sebastian sneered, knowing I didn't want his hands on me.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Walker sneered back, matching his tone and anger.

"Oh, you really don't want to know." Sebastian threatened, rising from his seat, Walker following suit.

The bartender hesitantly handed me the two drinks, silently asking me what was going on with his eyes.

I just sighed and took the drink, basically chugging it.

I felt the drinks instantly and suddenly, a very bad idea popped into my head.

I looked back at the two boys as they continued to threaten each other or whatever before glancing over at the man two was two seats down.

He felt my eyes on him and looked me over, smiling approvingly. That's when my idea got worse.

But, my mind was clouded with alcohol so I slid out of my seat and walked over to him, purposely leaning my chest down, clearly displaying it.

"You got a condom?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yeah." He nodded, excitement dancing in his eyes.

"You got a car?" I asked, my hand brushing off invisible fluff off his shoulder.

"Yeah." He said, swallowing heavily as I bit my bottom lip slightly.

"Good. Let's go have fun." I smiled, taking his hand and pulling him out of the bar, stepping through Sebastian and Walker and sufficiently catching their attention.

"Y/N?" Walker asked in confusion but I didn't even look back as we pressed on.

Once outside, he took the lead, obviously the only one who knew where his car was.

Once we reached it, he started to move to the backseat but I pulled him over to the hood, connecting our lips sloppily.

It only took a moment though for everything to work out as we fell into a rhythm as he pushed me against the hood of the car, his hands floating around my body as I pulled him neck and face closer to me.

Once his hands started to wander to private places while we were still in a public one, I pushed off the hood, taking him with me and pulling us towards his backseats.

We broke away breifly as he opened the door and right as we did, I looked over seeing Walker and Sebastian rush out.

Right as their eyes fell on me, the guy spun me around with his hands on my waist, pulling me into the car.

The moment the door was closet he started to undress as we got in a comfortable position, my head near the car door we entered and his body on top of mine.

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