Chapter Eleven: Aready Marked

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"So right now you're currently considered to be a rouge, but because you are somehow subconsciously suppressing your wolf, you don't smell like a rouge or a werewolf," Jenna had been reading to me for hours, summarizing everything so I could under...

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"So right now you're currently considered to be a rouge, but because you are somehow subconsciously suppressing your wolf, you don't smell like a rouge or a werewolf," Jenna had been reading to me for hours, summarizing everything so I could understand.

"How do I unleash it then?"
She flipped a few pages trying to find the answer, "It doesn't really say. It just states that usually in the case of a traumatic event you would shift to defend yourself, but that's never happened though has it?"
"No... I would've shifted at the creek then right?"
She nodded, contemplating what else could be causing it. She jumped up, "Magic!"
"Magic...?" I shook my head, "no fucking way..."
"Hear me out- the rouge said that Luke attacked your pack 20 years ago. He's a very powerful vampire Amelia, I'm sure he could have done something to make sure you never found out who you really are!"
"Why go through all that trouble and bring me to Arizona? Why not just kill me?" I crossed my arms.

"Maybe you're worth something to him Amelia. After he attacked your pack, he stopped all together- it was like he never even existed! Then you come back and he sends rouges to get you, telling them you're valuable and ordering them to bring you back to him! It's like he found what he was looking for all those years ago and now he wants you back,"

For a sweet air-headed girl, Jenna was certainly Gamma for a reason.  (I now knew what that title meant, along with Alpha, the mate bond, pack rules, and even how to 'shift' into a wolf)
Her theory made sense but it was just that- a theory. For now however it was all we had to go on.
"What could he have done to me that kept my wolf inside?"
She held her face in her hands, "Think Jenna- Think!" She shouted to herself. "Ah! Do you have any tattoos?" I shook my head. "What about strange birth marks?"
"Yes actually... why?"
"That's it silly! Now where is it??" I took off my shirt so she could see it better. We're both straight women so it's fine.

"On the nape of my neck," I poked the area, it's a circular pink mark about the size of a pinky nail, my parents said it was there when they adopted me.
Jenna's face went white as if she saw a ghost, "A-Amelia..." she whispered breathlessly, "That's the mark of a vampire..." shivers went down my spine.
Jenna had explained how mates mark each other to show they have been claimed.
"But aren't vampire bites supposed to be two circles?!" Jenna shook her head, still shaken up by the terrifying news. "Vampires bite with two fangs when sucking blood from their victims... with only one fang they mark their... well, their mates, but this explains everything, he must be holding your wolf back with his influence..."

"WHAT?!" Now this had me even more confused! Jenna said werewolves could have only one mate, noticing my confusion, she peeped, "Vampires don't have fated mates like we do because they're immortal- they would outlive their mate. Instead, every century or so they pick a chosen mate..." she clenched her jaw, seemingly disgusted with her own words. "I'm sorry Amelia... I think I'm gonna be sick..." she held back a gag and ran into my bathroom.

When she arrived at the toilet she began to puke, I held her hair and rubbed her back, "Just let it all out..." I sighed. Even I knew that Vampires and Werewolves are mortal enemies... figures.

After Jenna had finished throwing up, she drank some water and laid on my bed, making herself quite at home I might add!

"This is dangerous territory Amelia... this could start an all out war between Luke and our pack," I plopped down on the bed beside her. "What? Am I some sort of prize to be won or something? I'll just reject them both and live a normal life again," the answer seemed simple to me.
"It's not that simple!" Jenna yelled, seemingly reading my mind, "In Christopher's eyes you're the only woman he could ever love and have pups with,"
"No thanks," I rolled my eyes.
She ignored my comment and continued, "In Luke's eyes you're his property, he was probably waiting for you to turn 25 so he could come swoop you up and fuck your brains out," great Jenna, thanks for that visual...
"Why 25?" I found myself asking.
"Vampires have this sort of unspoken rule, they let their chosen mate live a quarter of their life without them so they can be normal after -or sometimes before that- the vampire uses them as their main food and sex vending machine," again she gagged, this time dramatically.

"Usually the vampires claim their mate at a young age and use them up until they turn 75 and have nothing left to give. It's strange though- Luke did the opposite and let you live your youth, the prime of your life, out in peace. It's almost as if-" she struggled to say the words, "he cares," she said sarcastically.

"He doesn't of course, you were a toddler Amelia! You didn't have a choice in being his mate!"
"But I didn't choose to be Christopher's mate either," I found myself arguing.
"That's different Amelia! You and Christopher were made for each other! Luke just took you because he wanted to," she obviously held a lot of animosity towards vampires.

I sighed and gave up before I noticed Jenna's eyes were glazed over and she had stopped talking. She had explained what mind-linking was and I had assumed that was what she was doing. "Jenna. You better not be telling Christopher about this..." I found myself growling.

She was silent for another 30 seconds before snapping out of the daze, "I'm sorry Amelia. I had to, he has a right to know!"
In that moment I felt utterly betrayed, "I'm leaving," I spat, grabbing my suit cases that I had packed earlier.
"Amelia please, you'll be safe at the pack house! This is bigger than you, everyone in the pack will be in danger if Luke gets his hands on you!"

That stopped me, "Explain..." I waited.
"Luke could torture you and Christopher would be able to sense all your pain- not feel it necessarily, but it would slowly destroy him inside knowing he can't save you. Eventually he would either go crazy or go try and rescue you leading to an all out war!" She grabbed my shoulders, "Please... stay."

"Okay... fine, only for the sake of Twisp,"
I found myself complying.

And back to the Pack house we go.
This will definitely be awkward...

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