Chapter Six: Running from the Wolves

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As soon as I got home, curiosity consumed me

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As soon as I got home, curiosity consumed me. I've always wanted to see a wolf, they're so majestic, so beautiful. So I decided that tonight was the night. I changed into a warm black jacket and a pair of jeans along with my favorite pair of sneakers just in case I had to make a run for it. I'm an idiot, don't do this at home kids! I giggled to myself and headed into the unknown.

Luckily it was a full moon tonight and I didn't have to use a flashlight. I had walked all the way to the same creek where I met Christopher, a part of me hoping he might be there again.

He wasn't, but someone else was. The pervert?! I hid behind a tree, quieting my breathing. No, not the pervert. There were eight people sitting around the creek, the only girl present was attempting to start a fire.

"Are you sure this is the right place Dameon?" the girl questioned, flames igniting from her lighter.

"No doubt about it baby, Luke is never wrong. He felt the female Alpha's presence in Twisp so she's gotta be around here somewhere" he smirked, slapping her ass as she let out a warning growl.

Female Alpha? Wait, did she just growl?!

"She's been missing ever since the Willow Pack was attacked 20 years ago, her parents never stopped looking for their little pup, so I'm sure they'll be willing to pay for her no matter the cost," he pulled her close as she tried to tend to the fire.

These people are crazy... they definitely mean trouble.

"I'm tired of sleeping in the woods already, can't we just hurry up?" the girl whined as the logs burst into flame.

"No can do babe, we gotta avoid the Twisp Pack, their leader doesn't take kindly to rouges," he motioned with his fingers to appear as if he were slitting her throat, "Shhhhuuup" he interpreted the sound as she rolled her eyes.

"Knock it off you two," a man who was laying down groaned, "I'm trying to get some fucking sleep," he turned on his side, facing away from the others.

I had heard too much, and I had to get out of there. Who knows what these crazy people would do to me if they found out I was eavesdropping. I slowly backed away, trying hard not to step on anything that would make noise. I am called a lot of things, but graceful is not one of them.

*Snap* a twig broke under my weight. Looking up, I saw the group turn their faces toward me. Shit. Think Amelia! Think!

Rather than run, I decided to come out from the shadows and make myself known, "Uh hi, sorry I was just passing by..." they didn't respond, but the girl slowly stood up and the rest of the group began to move. Wanting to get out of there as soon as possible I mumbled, "I'm sorry to disturb you, enjoy your campfire," I spun around on my heel and made haste, not yet breaking into a run.

"Where are you going? Come join us!" The girl laughed, and I heard her run up behind me. Before I could get away she grabbed my arm, hard.

"We've been looking all over for you doll! How nice of you to show up and make our jobs easier!" She yanked my arm, pulling me towards the group, I was helplessly trying to slip away.

One of the men whistled, "Damn, she's a hot one," he got up and approached me. "Maybe we can just keep her around and play around for a bit..." he reached for a strand of my hair, sniffing it as I turned my face and winced. "Why does she smell human though, and it's so faint, we didn't even notice her presence," he looked me up and down, his head cocked to the side displaying a teethy smile.

"Who knows, maybe she's masking her smell with something," the girl replied, by now her hand was cutting off the circulation to my arm.

"Who the hell are you people?!" I gritted my teeth.

"Who are we?" The man who they called Dameon extended his arms out and smiled widely, "Why, we're the rouges who have come to rescue you princess!"

The girl squeezed tighter and did in fact growl, "Don't call this bitch princess," she snapped, jealously obvious in her tone.

"Sorry babe!" He laughed, walking over to her and holding her hand in reassurance. "Although I'm a bit confused as to why you haven't fought us yet. You certainly don't act like an alpha," he smelt the air around me, "and you don't smell like one either," he grinned.

"Perfect, less of a fight," the man who had sniffed my hair cooed. "May I sample the merchandise?" He looked at Dameon with pleading eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you know better than to do that Nathan," he shook his head and walked away, letting go of the girls hand he had his back to us and suddenly clapped his hands together, "You know the rules, you have to share!" He laughed and the whole group burst into a mixture of grunts and growls, the other men in the group started to approach me.

The girl let go, tossing me into the man's arms as he grabbed my hair, I screamed, starting to cry as my vision blurred.

"This will be fun..." A man purred.
Stop it!
"I call first!" Nathan licked my face.
"Fine, as long as I get sloppy seconds," another man added.

"SOMEONE! SAVE ME!" I finally screamed. A loud deafening roar coming from behind me got everyone's attention. I slowly turned around, my body shaking.

That after the rain smell.
A gigantic black wolf was stalking closer, its teeth bared as drool overflowed from its mouth. The eyes a familiar shade of blue that I couldn't stop staring into.

Nathan quickly released me and I fell to the floor, still I couldn't look away from the beautiful creature. Then it hit me, there were other wolves slowly pacing behind it, a bit smaller in size but just as intimidating.

A whole pack.
A part of me felt at ease, if I had to choose a way to go, I rather be mauled by wolves than raped by men. But there was something else, I didn't feel threatened... I felt relieved.

In a flash, the wolves began to rush towards the group behind me. But when I turned around to face them, there were eight wolves baring their teeth and ripped clothes on the ground. What the fuck is happening?!

As the wolves collided, snarls and whimpers echoed through the trees. I crawled backwards, still on the forest floor after my fall. My back hit a stone wall- a very soft and furry stone wall. Looking up, I saw the beautiful wolf with blue eyes staring down at me, his mouth now closed.

That's when I ran.

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