Chapter 26

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Damilare's poV
   Staring at my laptop's screen, I couldn't believe my eyes. The private pictures I took and edited with my time and energy are streaming free online and that is what is making everyone go mad.
   Who could have done this? Olajuwon. The silly girl.
   "OlA". I yelled her name out.
"Oje ma yagbe sara". She called back.
   (You better don't defecate)
"Come here this instant".
   I showed her my laptop's screen. And the next thing that came out of her mouth was
   "Oh, you have started getting replies on the pictures I posted".
  "Ola, you know that I took those private pictures so I could use it to get a job at a studio". I tried to reason with her calmly.
   "Maybe,but you were taking so long in doing that, and I figured if I shared the pictures, sponsors can see it and like it and then contact you". She replied placing her hand on her hips.
   "Don't ever do anything with my stuff without permission". I said in a defeated tone.
   My sister, Olajuwon is a very stubborn girl. She does things but always finds a way to turn it around. She has always wanted to be a lawyer and after she finished secondary school a year ago, we couldn't afford to even let her take jamb examination. She took WASSCE and she aced it excellently. My sister was the best that year. She got 9 As. She is a handful but she is sweet when you get to know her.

   Waking up on the mat that I sleep on letting my mother and sister take the only twin sized bed that we own wasn't as uncomfortable as you may think. I am used to it. I stretched and took a cup and toothbrush and a blade to cut the toothpaste tube open because it has finished and we couldn't afford another one. At least for the time being. Last night, we didn't eat anything palatable as usual.
   We all shared 160 Naira bread with black 10 Naira Lipton tea with no sugar nor milk.
   I was washing my out at the entrance of the main house when my phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and picked it.

  "Dami, Dami, where are you". My sister Olajuwon yelled after finishing the house chores.
   I came inside the house to attend to her and then she said " Damilare, I want to tell you something and before you judge I have thought about it thoroughly".
   "Talk Ola, tell me what is wrong". I said moving closer to my sister and towering over her short frame.
   "This our financial problem can end of I just get married. I can get married to a rich man who would pay a very high bride for me and that way you would have less mouth to feed and more to eat". She said looking up to me with her big brown eyes.
  "Just forget about it, did you really think I would consent to this nonsense? Ola you are barely 17 years old and you want to be a third wife and a baby factory to some old man? No never, I got a call earlier about my works that you posted online and I was asked to see them tomorrow. Just forget about the idea. Am I complaining about feeding you guys?". I said dismissing the idea immediately.
   Her shoulders slumped and she looked at the floor. My bright troublesome sister accepted defeat which never happens and I felt bad. I pulled her into me and gave her a hug resting my chin on her head. Her small hands barely wrapped around my back and her body shivered.
   "You are feeling cold, go and take one of my sweaters and wear right now". I said dismissing her.

   The biggest photo studio in Nigeria and the second biggest in the world contacted me. They were marveled by my works and I was called for an interview. The studio is where Models take pictures and most times even international supermodels come there for photos.

   I went to my neighbors house to borrow a shirt and trouser.
   "I am renting it out to you so you better get the job and pay me 2000 Naira". My neighbor Taiwo said.
   "Where would I see 2000 Naira? Pls now just borrow me". I said pleading. If I was going to get the job, at least I must look presentable.
  "Ok, because you are my friend and you are nice, just make sure you get the job". Taiwo said patting my back.
  I turned to leave before he called me back
   "Is Juwon at home?". He asked.
"Leave my sister alone , you can't date her". I said .
  "Pls now, I really like her and I wanna get to know her, she is so beautiful ". He said.
   "You know that is my sister you are talking about, if you like her, be a man and tell her, no funny business". I said sternly. Then I left.

  Taiwo has been my friend for about 2 years now and he is a nice guy that jokes a lot but really nice and considerate. He is an orphan and his extended family abandoned him so he lives alone and fends for himself. He labors for part time  but he sells petty junks sometimes. He is really hard working and honest.
  He isn't a bad looking guy infact he is handsome, tall and chocolate skinned like me. Due to the labouring work he does he got muscles and he is pretty ripped.
   He has had interest in Olajuwon for about a year now but he has never talked to her about it because he is scared which is funny because how can someone his size become scared of a five feet 2 inches girl.
   Olajuwon has never had interest in boys as far as I know. Taiwo is a graduate and has his masters degree in the university of Ibadan and yet he is in love with Olajuwon, a girl that has no university education.
   I told him about my job and he is happy for me.

  Hey guys, how was it? Do you think I should write a love story between Olajuwon and Taiwo? Or I should just leave you guys to imagine it? Pls comment and tell me what you think.

I love y'all and don't forget to vote

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