Chapter 6

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River's poV
  I don't regret anything about that kiss I shared with Tolulope but I can't say the same for her.
   Ever since that day, she has been avoiding me. She makes sure that she does not have any thing to do with me. I miss talking to her and making her mad.
    When I kissed her,I could practically taste innocence. Her lips moved shyly against mine and her taste was pure and untouched. My woman is only mine,no one else's.
   I don't know how to approach her.
"River, come here". I heard Tolulope's mom say-Mrs Onanuga.
    I walked down taking note that like my mom, she yells a lot.
   When I got to her she said "Eheh, my son, tomorrow is Friday and I want you and Tolulope to go to Abuja to represent me. Actually I am sending you along to protect her from those vicious women. Pls stand up for her when needed and stay with her at all times. Tolulope knows what to do. You guys are going to come back once she is done. Can you do that for me my dear?"
    "Yes ma, there is absolutely no problem".
   "Thank you my dear, may the lord make your way straight, where you call one, a thousand would respond, in Jesus name".
   "Amen ma".
Mrs Onanuga words really confuse me, Tolulope needs protection?but from who or what? I guess I have to wait till tomorrow.
   Let me start packing.

  "Let's go River, how come you are using an hour to brush your hair, are you a lady?" Tolulope snapped.
   "All this hotness does not just appear. I need to catch some Abuja ladies".
   "We are there to work not catch ladies". Tolu said rolling her eyes.
    "Is that jealousy I hear?" I said, then she mumbled something along the lines of you kissed me just some time ago and now you want Abuja ladies.
   I just smirked and shook my head. Silly girl .

  I have a feeling that this trip is gonna be in my favor,big time .

  Tolulope's poV 
We just arrived at Abuja only to find out that mom made sure that only one room was available in the hotel. Mom can be funny at times. I mean, we have a mansion at Abuja but she insisted on a hotel.
    "We have just one room, and I am not gonna subject you to sleeping on the couch, but stay in your limits please". I said with my hands on my hips.
   "Oh baby, I would so stay in my limits don't worry".

   River's poV
Tolu said I should stay in my limit but she is the one hugging me like a monkey. Her head is resting on my chest and her beautiful lips set in a pout. I looked down and I saw her brown milky tits were open unintentionally and my morning boner only got impossibly harder. Ever since the first time I kissed her, it is getting harder to control my self around her especially now that we are practically hugging.
    My eyes snapped to the wall clock and damn it! It's already 8:00 and we have a meeting at 9:00 with some high social class wives. She looked so cute sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up, but if we didn't get going now, we are gonna be late.

   "So you are Nifemi's only daughter?". A woman with very expensive jewelry and a creepy smile asked Tolulope.
  "Yes ma, I am her only daughter".
"I heard that you have no boyfriend, no fiancé, talk less of a husband". The same woman sneered.
   "Yes ma, I am still focusing on work now". Tolulope replied smiling uncomfortably.
   "Don't you know that a woman your age that does not have a man is considered a prostitute, my daughter's wedding is next month and she is getting married to the minister of Finance son, I am personally inviting you". Another woman said insincerely.
  "O-ok ma". She said fidgeting in her seat.
     "Who is this man next to you? I knew single ladies at your age would spread their legs for anyone but a white? Now that's new. I wonder how you were named the most successful young woman in Africa instead of one of our daughters". A woman who has been quiet said.
  That is when I decided to step in.
"Excuse me madam, you claim to be cultured and to have trained your daughter well but you have been ranting since without letting me introduce myself, I wonder if that is how you trained your so called cultured daughter, to just keep talking without showing courtesy to the person present. She is getting married soon you say, I wonder if that is how she is gonna treat her in laws, without respect. And I, River Glish Wilson, the second son of John Wilson is Tolulope's fiancé ". I said .
   I looked at Tolulope's face and she looked appreciative and surprised.
   "Now can we face what we came here for? To talk business". Tolulope said professionally.


   Now I know why her mother thinks she needs protection. Even though she is the bitchy Tolulope most of the time, she has got her own troubles too. She just needs to break out of that cocoon she is in.

How was it? Did River put those foolish women in their place?

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In Love With Water#Nigerian story ARRANGED MARRIAGE Where stories live. Discover now