Chapter 21

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Third person poV
   After a shoot, Toyin and Tope were so tired that they were taking rest before continuing until the new director,Kingskid, told them that they had visitors. Tope was smiling seemingly knowing who came to see her but Toyin was utterly confused.
    Who could it be?
   Lake's handsome face came into sight and Toyin's confused face morphed into love and blush. She smiled softly and the sight shook Lake at his knees.
   The jealous face of Alisha was unmistakable. She rolled her eyes and stomped her feet. Other ladies and models had either a look of appreciation or jealousy on their faces. It was like the Twins had it all.

   "Excuse me". Both Tope and Toyin said dragging their men away from preying eyes.
   "We are going on a vacation".
"And that is what you couldn't wait to tell me until I got home?" Toyin answered shocked.
   "We are leaving now". Lake informed.
"What?right now? Why the rush?" Toyin asked bewildered.
   "Let's just go". Lake answered.
"Ok, wait let me go change and inform my manager". Toyin said already turning away. Lake grabbed her wrists and pulled her gently making her stumble and him steady her by the waist.
    "Hey- careful". Lake said in concern."you don't have to change or inform anybody of anything let's just go".
  "Listen to yourself. Don't worry I won't take long, I would just spend five minutes,I would be back before you know it". Toyin said wiggling her waist trying to get out of Lake's firm hold.
    Lake just picked her up, and caressed her cheek before he took her to his Audi which was not too far from where they were.
    "This is kidnapping!"
"As far as I can see, you are a grown beautiful woman with incredible tits and a generous lower half, you are no kid". Lake said winking in the last part making Toyin look at the floor shyly and blush.
   "Don't go shy on me my love".
"Stop it". Toyin said in a soft tone.

"Why are you waking me up?" Toyin asked in a sleepy voice.
   "So we can have sex". Lake answered casually.
   "What!" All the sleep rubbed off her eyes.
    Chuckling, Lake said "I was just joking, we are landing soon. "Get up". Lake said already leaving.

  "Why are you sitting down there?" Lake asked with mischief in his eyes. Toyin's eyebrow furrowed with confusion.
   "Just come here bush girl" Lake said tauntingly.
  Toyin's eyes turned into slits at the jest.
  She stood up and started walking over to him
   "I'll have you know that I am an international supermodel and therefore,I have travelled almost all over the world, I am  certainly not a b-" her sentence was cut short when Lake pulled her down and she straddled his strong thighs with a yelp.
   "W-wh-hat a-are y-you d-do-doing?" Toyin said turning into a stuttering mess.
    "You are so beautiful and adorable ". Lake states looking into her eyes.
   Toyin blushed hardly.
"L-let me g-go".
   "Never, you are mine for life". Lake said his words carrying double meanings.

  He cut whatever she wanted to say with a deep searing kiss. He held her head to his and tilted his head so as to catch her lips properly. His right hand slipped into her already scattered hair and the other one on her ass pushing her into him.
  "Ummmm". Toyin moaned into the kiss. The kiss was hot and passionate, it was not by any means gentle.
   Lake moved his lips to her neck making her throw her head black in bliss. The loud moans tumbling out of her mouth was uncontrollable.
   Lake bit gently into her neck making her eyes snap Open.
    Her eyes moved to the person standing there with an awkward look on his face and a conflicted look in his eyes. He didn't want to disturb his boss but he must inform them of landing.
    "L-lake oh my god". Toyin said wanting to inform lake of the young man's presence.
   "What?". Lake almost snapped.
"S-someone is h-here". Toyin said.
   "It can wait". Lake said dismissively going back to kiss her neck and create havoc in her body.
At that Lake looked up. The young man trembling in his shoes.
   "We are landing". He stammered out and stumbled away.
   "Fucking cockblock". Lake muttered. Toyin stood up from his thighs and the huge tent in his pants were so noticeable.
   The stupid man just left him with blue balls.

   "Oh my God! We are in Rome!" Toyin screamed.

Hey guys. How was this? Did you like it? Am sorry for disappearing it's just you guys are not encouraging. Nobody is commenting and telling me what you think of a chapter,the story in general or even a phrase.
   Pls vote. I have only very few votes. And I believe that I deserve more than 2 votes per chapter.

Pls comment, and vote. Which couple do you prefer between River and Tolu or Lake and Toyin.

I love y'all

Adesola aka pamsloaded

See ya

In Love With Water#Nigerian story ARRANGED MARRIAGE Where stories live. Discover now