"No we don't!" Jinyoung snapped. He grew angrier by the second, which only made things more confusing.

Jaebum sat up as he watched Jinyoung head towards the door. "Not talking about it won't make the circumstances any different-"

Jinyoung turned back towards Jaebum before reaching the door. "Don't you think I know that? You think I want to leave you? Every day I fear that I'll wake up back in heaven and never see you again, I'm terrified of going back. I don't want to talk about it or think about it or ever hear it again!"

Jaebum winced at the loud door slam that followed. He didn't want to talk about the topic just as much Jinyoung didn't, but if they never spoke about it, then he was sure that this uneasy feeling he had about their relationship would grow worse.

He decided to give Jinyoung a while to cool down, knowing that it was best to approach him when not riled up. He traveled into the living room where he assumed the angel was, and just as predicted he was perched on the couch watching TV. Jaebum was sure that Jinyoung sensed his presence, but the angel refused to even spare him a glance.

He was apparently still upset.

"Jinyoung?" Jaebum called as he took a seat next to the angel. Still no response. He nudged Jinyoung's arm with his elbow, pestering him for attention. "Hey. I love you."

Jinyoung let out a heavy sigh before turning his back. Jaebum rarely took offence to this behavior; whenever Jinyoung was moody he turned into a little brat, which he was so used to by now, he found it more cute than anything.

Jaebum poked him in the back, chuckling when Jinyoung pushed his hand away. "C'mon, say it back."

Jinyoung was still quiet, dead set on not paying Jaebum any mind.

"Say it back~" Jaebum whined as he tugged Jinyoung closer.

Jinyoung grumbled something under his breath, twisting out of Jaebum's grasp and folding his arms over his chest.

Jaebum cocked his head, a small smile resting on his lips. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you?"

"You're annoying." Jinyoung replied. Finally, an actual response.

"You're adorable." Jaebum countered as he poked Jinyoung's side.

Jinyoung swatted Jaebum's hand as if it were an annoying fly. "Stop this."

"Stop what? Making you blush? Never."  Jaebum scooted closer and wrapped his arms around Jinyoung, pulling the angel into his arms, his chest to Jinyoung's back. He knew that Jinyoung's favorite place to be was pressed against him, so of course Jaebum used that to his advantage. "Tell me you love me or I'll cry."

"You're so dramatic." Jinyoung groaned.

"And you're not?" Jaebum retorted, pointing out the irony of the statement. He squeezed Jinyoung tight and pressed a kiss to his ear, whispering more confessions against the lobe. "Baby you're my everything. I love you so much."

Jinyoung was hiding his soft giggles behind his hand, the sound music to Jaebum's ears. "You're so sappy, it's gross."

"C'mon Jinyoung, don't leave me hanging." Jaebum complained as he pressed another kiss to the nape of Jinyoung's neck.

Jinyoung let out a heavy sigh, hiding his face in his knees that were bent to his chest. "...I love you too..."

Jaebum's smile widened as he curled his fingers under Jinyoung's jaw and lifted his head. "Say it again?"

"I said I love you too." Jinyoung repeated, his voice soft, but sure.

"Sorry, one more time?" Jaebum requested, at this point just messing with him. "A bit louder, I couldn't quite get it."

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