Chapter 6- Virgin

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Okay yay it gonna be frus for le day yeet!

Okay yay it gonna be frus for le day yeet!

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Third person P.O.V
Alfred started to walk through Tokyo reminiscing what had happened a while ago. Yeah sure, it seemed like he was going to get raped, but hey, at least he didn't. He really did need to start heading to the airport. His boss had called him not so long ago about a little meeting he had set up between him, Canada, Britain, and France.

An apology meeting was all Alfred could assume. They had all already done something to each other that they regretted. Like that one time France pulled on Alfred's cowlick and Matthew's  curl. It could also be that one time Arthur tried to bake a cake while everyone else was gone. Let's just say the house was burnt just like the cake.

Time skip to when they all meet up
"I need all of you to be honest to each other during this meeting. I know that this was set up at a random time but know that the only reason this was set up was because I needed to get things straight with your bosses" stated Americas boss as he glared at all of them except America but the glare was mostly directed to England.

30 minutes later Cuz I'm lazy.
"I'm not a virgin unlike you Angleterre!" Exclaimed an all to happy France as he did a weird smirk. "Just so you know you Frog I have laid people multiple time during the golden age!" "Well I've done it with Prussia and TOPPED 5 times. What about you Alfred." There he stood as quiet as ever and was a blushing mess. The room started to get hot and little blurry due to the tears welling up in his eyes. This was very embarrassing, maybe to embarrassing. "I'm still a virgin." He whispered in a voice that was still audible to the people around him. They all stared in shock. "I thought he would he laid. This gives me a chance to teach him the ways of love. Honhonhonhon." "Shut it Frog!"

Alfred had never lost his virginity but he has kissed the countries many times. His first kiss went to England when he was a teen. His second went to Prussia during the revolution. Now that he thinks about it he was going to lose girls virginity with Prussia but decided he was still way too young. His third went to France which was also during the revolution. He also had kissed Russia a few times. His favorite kiss out of all of them was a tie between Russia and France. His second was England and third Prussia. (Btw he had kissed almost all the countries and always somehow got dominated everytime.)

I'm done rn I'm feeling a bit tired and I'm sick but I wanted to update this week.

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