The Storm

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Thomas nods and continued with his cereal. "Just dont-"

"Mention his alters" I finished. "I know."

He smiled. "Just looking out for him."

I nodded and I pulled up my phone messaging Seán if I could come over. "I know. We couldn't ask for a better friend."

I walk to Seáns hotel where he wanted me to meet him. I look at the message again to make sure I got it right and see if he uploaded anything between the time I left Thomas's and arrived at the hotel.

Chase was a notification from YouTube. It seemed grim and my gut twisted. I didn't take into account that he may have more alters than I saw.

I watched the video in the lobby, wearing headphones, my eyes glued to the phone.

My heart dropped as I watched Seán, or Chase, cry and scream in agony or grief. When it ended I stared back at the screen watching my reflection.

How much pain are they in?

Can I do anything to help them?

I took a few breaths to shake away the thoughts. I can't be thinking of them. I have to be thinking of just Seán right now.

I find his hotel door and knock, putting on a cheery face.

Seán opened the door and his face lit up. "(Y/n!) I'm so glad you came over!"

"Thanks for allowing me" I said stepping in. I take a look around and I see a single bed, TV, small couch, and a small set up in a corner.

"No break from work?" I asked turning to him.

Seán shook his head chuckling. "Nah, it's a job so they need me to upload everyday."

I gave him a pity laugh, "If only my work was as easy as that."

He shrugged sitting on the chair to his set up. "Not that easy but anybody can do it." He waved me over as he swiveled in the chair to face the computer.

He pulled up an old gaming file that he never uploaded before. He showed me what he needed to edit and what he needed to fix in his style. He also mentioned how he had a lot of breaks because of his 'ADHD'.

I took mental notes as he talked. But as he talked I noticed him stop and doze off into nothingness. I would try to get his attention back but he would on his own.

"Sorry, I guess I'm still tired from last night." Seán said sitting back in the chair. I sat on his bed across from him.

"It's no big deal, if your tired I can come back another time-"

"No!" He looked at me sadly, then down in frustration, clenching his fists tightly. "I'm.. fine.. I think I just need some coffee.."

I watch as he takes a few breaths before standing and walking over to the little coffee machine the hotel provides.

"Did you want some..?" His voice came in quiet after a while of staring at the coffee pouring itself.

I give him an answer as he comes back and sits down with his coffee. Slowly sipping it, careful not to burn himself.

"I'm sorry." Seán quiet voice cuts in again. I look up at him to see him staring at the ground.

I wave it off, "It's nothing."

He still sulks in the chair, staring at the ground holding his coffee like his life depended on it. At this point, I don't think he's sulking but possibly switching..

System (Jacksepticeye!DID x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora