The Job

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Seán glanced up at me, giving me a smile. "Message me on how it goes. Please."

"Will do" I smiled back, walking to the exit, paying for our meal, and leaving.

I walked into work and take a glance around. Everyone was working much to my surprise.

Normally everyone was slacking off, leaving much of the work for me to catch up on. It never helped knowing that I was also their unpaid servent.

As I walked to my desk, I noticed something was off.. Most of my stuff was cleaned up, and piled into a box..

I picked up the closest object to be, which happened to be a stapler, and started waving it around.

"What's going on?"

Some looked up from their work only to nervously look back down, never to intentionally answer my question.

"Can someone answer me..?"

I look around still confused but still no response from anyone. I gave up setting my stapler down. Instead of bothering my lovely co-workers. I went to the boss.

I knocked on the door to his office, crossing my arms waiting for his response. When he opened the door I gave him snarky smile.
"Good morning."

His face lit up in shock but he toned it back, attempting to make sure I wouldn't know. "(Y/n)! What.. what a surprise..!" He exclaimed.

I nodded, gesturing to my desk, "That is too. What's that about?" My eyebrows raising.

He chuckled nervously before straighten his posture and his clothing. "Well.. you see.. You've been a great team player for a long time now"


"But, unfortunately we have to cut your pay."

"How much.." I eyed him.

"All of it." He shut his eyes, not wanting to make the eye contact. "You're fired."

"Huh." Was the only sound I could make. I let them walk all over me and this is what I get. Not a promotion but termination.

"Well.. I'll be seeing ya." I say simply, stepping away from him, and walking out of the building. I didn't need the small junk I left there. It was all useless anyways.


I grabbed my medicine finally and made it home to relax for the first time in what seemed like forever.

I took myself to the bathroom to take a shower and change as well as apply some cream to the burns. I wore some pajamas because seemed more fitting in this situation.

Then I laid down on the couch to watch some movies or shows that I may have missed since I've worked... But I honestly don't what's good or not..

I could text Thomas see if he's feeling okay to come over.

Hey Thomathy
How are you feeling?

I'm doing better. Headaches almost gone.

Well how's a Disney Movie "date" sound?



Welp. Let me start on some snacks.
As I was in the kitchen preparing our snacks for the movies. I hear a soft knock before the door squeaks open and slams shut.

"I am so PUMPED!" Thomas cries out from the living room racing towards the dining room. "What movie shall we watch first? The Little Mermaid, Hercules, Frozen?"

I laugh as I listen to him list almost any Disney movie he could think of from the top of his head. We settle on one as we sit down with our snacks and start the movie.

Thomas sat leaned forward, completely invested in the movie, almost reciting it word for word. I about watched him preform rather than the movie.

I knew about Thomas's career in theater so this never surprised me when he took over during movie sessions. He was amazing during things like this. Like a whole nother person.

Speaking of..

"Hey, Thomas.." I asked during one of the least action filled parts. He turned to me, eyes still glues to the TV.


"I had this, weird dream last night.. do you mind if I tell you about it?"

He perked up, adjusting himself to turn to me. "Only if I get to tell you mine after." Thomas smiled brightly.

I nodded agreeing to it. "So.. I was at your house, and you and Seán were there right?" He nodded.
"But Seán was acting different.. He was acting like a child?" I continued.

Thomas's smile faltered. My suspicions have to be correct.

"You called him Jackie. Or at least I think you did.." Thomas looked away from me then, his smile dropped.

"Ha.. some weird dream you had," He said, his voice strained as he watched the floor.

"I guess so, but I have to ask a question. For a peace of mind I guess..," I start. "Who's Pat?"

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