The Reveal

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"Why'd you call Seán, Jackie?"

Patton's face lit up in worry. His eyes darted around, "uh.. well you see.." He scratched the back of his neck and squeezed his eyes shut. "It's not something I can discuss, kiddo.."

"Why can't you? It's just a question." I push on.

Patton shakes his head, sighing. "But it's also about someone that I promised to keep secret." He glanced at me, giving me the worse case of puppy eyes, "You understand right?"

Darn... Thomas's/Patton's Puppy eyes absolutely destroy me in any conversation. "Yeah, I understand Pat."

Pat squees with delight as he bounces off the couch. "Good, severly disliked that serious talk."

We talked some more about non-serious topics. Patton didn't last long in the discussion and Thomas ended up coming back.

Thomas ended up spilling to me about everyone, that wasn't him, that I had talked to before.

He told me about Roman, one of his protectors. He loved Disney and anything purely romantic. I guess that's who responded and watched the movie with me earlier.

Logan, who keeps track of literally every alter, enjoys learning new things and apparently was the reason Thomas always screamed "Falsehood" all the time.

Thomas smiled at me nervously. "It's not the entire 'Sander Sides' but it's everyone you've met so far."

I nodded giving him a smile back, thinking back to every alter I had met. It's weird to think about but I could see the change in personality.
Patton definitely showed that.

That reminds me of Seán. He seems to change like he's a new person, while maintaining same face. I remember that when I met him.

I look over at Thomas and narrow my eyes. Thomas can't lie for the life of him. "Does Seán also have Dissociative Identity Disorder?"
His eyes widen and he stood, attempting to walk away.

"Well y-you know I can't talk about that."

"He does!" I look to him in shock, he turned back to me his eyes worried.

"(Y/n), I didn't say that."

I nodded but I gestured to his body, "You didn't say but your body did."

Thomas groaned sighing. "I'm screwed."

I pat his back and stand to his level, "It's fine, I won't tell him anything until he does."

Thomas gave me a glance up and down before he nodded. "Okay. I believe you."

Thomas had to leave not to long after our big conversation. I decided to invite Seán over to the house because I wanted to talk about the recent development in my job, and see the different people in him.

Before Thomas left, he looked me in the eyes, nervously. "Don't hurt him okay? He's gone through a lot."

I gave him a small nod letting him know I heard him.

I walked into the kitchen to make some dinner for Seán and I. Before it finished the door rang. Walking over to answer it, I was greeted by the scruffy man wearing sweats and a long sleeve shirt.

"Nice home (y/n)." His smile made my heart flutter.

//Leaving it here for now. Finally the chapter of Thomas and his system are done. He will still come up but not as often.

Thanks for reading!


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