"Hold this against it whilst I'll see if first aid downstairs have any bandage, or plasters." I gratefully took the tissue from his hands and began to clean up the mess. The cut itself wasn't overly deep, but it was at least two inches across and didn't appear to want to stop bleeding. I didn't get a chance to tell Esteban that he should probably put a shirt on before heading down before he was already rushing out the door.

I kept pressure applied to the cut, occasionally taking the tissue off just to see if it was still bleeding (it was). The towel came in handy for drying the rest of my body whilst I waited for Esteban to return. Luckily, it seemed like I had managed to shave the majority of my legs despite stopping early so I could still wear my dress without the feeling of stubbly legs brushing against each other.

Esteban seemed to be taking ages to return, so when he eventually did, I let out a sigh of relief. "Damn, though I was going to bleed out if- wait," I stopped mid sentence, eyes falling on the smartly dressed men behind him, "why are they here?" Lando and Max waved with goofy smiles on their faces. Lando appeared to be doing a livestream of some sort.

"I found them in the lobby."

"Esteban, I'm almost naked."

"Don't act like we haven't seen it all before, schatje" Max interjected with a cheeky wink. He adjusted the sleeve of his shirt so that it sat just below the elbow. His navy tie was a little crooked so I know that he must've done it himself without the help of his sister. Unfortunately, Vic had work commitments so won't be at the party.

"Oh my gosh." I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Lando you better not be live-streaming this."

"Sorry, I'm just giving the people what they want," the British boy said, shrugging his shoulders as he took a seat next to me on the bed. Lando and Max were almost identically dressed apart from the style of tie. Whilst Max's was long, Lando's was done into a smart bow (significantly neater, too - most likely a clip on).

"I'm almost naked," I told them sternly, voice a little slower in hopes they'd catch my drift.

"Exactly - what the people want."

I shoved his shoulder, making him almost drop his phone as he just laughed. "Pig," I muttered under my breath. Esteban nudged Lando a little more gently than I had done so that he had better access to my leg. Lando reluctantly stood back up and leaned against Max, the camera panning between himself as he spoke and me.

"What did you even do?" Max asked, eyebrows raised in amusement as he peered at the cut. When Esteban removed the tissue, it was stained red and didn't look like it could absorb much more than what it had. It was lucky Esteban had managed to find a dressing.

"Esteban's fault," I plainly replied, trying not to show any indication of pain as Esteban began to wrap up my leg. The pain was that of a sharp scratch, however continuous rather than momentary. The water in the shower had helped soothe it at the time, but now it's exposed to the air, it is much more sore.

"I didn't drop the razor, you did," Esteban pointed out, securing the bandage with two small safety pins. I'm sure if there was a plaster big enough, he would've got me that, but for now this giant bandage will have to do.

"You shouldn't come in the bathroom when I'm in the shower."

"I was just looking for my charger!"

"You mean the one plugged in over the nightstand?" I pointed my finger to the white plug and wire, an annoyed expression on my face. I had noticed it when I had exit the bathroom initially but was a bit distracted to point it out to him.

"Ah!" Esteban grinned, slotting the end of the wire into his phone. "At least it's not lost."

"Okay, the livestream is ended now," Lando announced. "How long will you be getting ready?"

Away We Go • 2 • Formula OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin