Legacy Reaction- SPOILERS

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The only complaint I have about this is that Team Valiance didn't get more time in the story! I loved that Dex and Biana (two underrated and underused characters, in my opinion) are FINALLY getting to be in the spotlight. Wylie is always awesome, and- while I agree that she's a strange choice of an Empath- all of them working with Stina will be absolutely priceless! While I loooooove Keefe and loooooove watching Fitz get outshined by Keefe (SOKEEFE FOREVER!!!), it's nice to get quality time with other characters that will make us appreciate our time with the main two boys even more. All of the symbols and Council mysteries were great world-building that I am absolutely here for


Okay, um, correct me if I'm wrong, but the target audience is 8-12 years old.... not sure what those on the younger end of the spectrum made of all that fertility stuff, but I just added it to my list of Reasons Why Lady Gisela is the Most Sick, Twisted Psycho Ever. And what Lord Cassius went through... I will never, ever feel sorry for him because of how he treated Keefe, but I can recognize what a miserable life he's had and feel a little pity. He was bullied at Foxfire and deeply in love with someone who lied to him from the start and basically tortured him physically and emotionally. Whatever Lady Gisela's vision is for Keefe's Legacy, I definitely have more questions than ever.


After seven years of buildup, I was honestly disappointed by how anticlimactic this memory turned out to be. I love that we got to see Amy in the present (did anyone else catch the BTS reference???), but that's about where my happiness with this scene ends. It feels totally implausible that- in 12 years with humans- Sophie only ever got angry enough to Inflict once after being teased by her six-year-old sister. I also think that it was super obvious Sophie had accidentally hurt Amy with an Ability after Flashback, so this memory wasn't shocking or emotional for readers. And the supposedly 'traumatic' experience literally barely registered any lasting emotional impact, so I do not understand why it needed to be kept a secret more so than the memory from when Sophie was five. Forkle's Inflicting Handprint wasn't even that cool, especially after we found out he wasn't a secret Inflictor. And resetting an ability than she already had to... look cool? After we had barely even found out that there was something sorta wrong with it? Please tell me I'm not the only one who was disappointed.


I want to start by saying that I am still grappling with the crushing realization that Bronte is not her father, as I thought for FOUR YEARS of my life. I got a bad feeling when Shannon started making it way too obvious that Bronte was her father way too fast... but I honestly thought that she was also trying to trick us into thinking Oralie was her mother by making it too obvious. I guess I'm a little consoled by the fact that said he's be proud to be her father, though... As for Oralie- I DID GET HALF OF THE PARENT PROBLEM RIGHT! I'm super excited because Oralie was my top choice. She reminds me if Edaline in that she seems really sweet and quiet but can actually kick your butt. That scene where Sophie found out was so emotionally charged with the 3 heartbeats. It was surreal after Oralie finally admitted it too, because I feel like she doesn't even know how to express her affection for Sophie openly. When it was a secret, their relationship was natural, but now... who knows? While Oralie's reaction was maddening, I appreciated how realistic it was and how guarded she kept herself. Sophie was also reacted super realistically and she definitely deserves to be angry. I can sense some greaaaat development for this relationship down the road.


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