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I wanted to start this off with something that couldn't possibly spoil anything for those of you who aren't that far into the series, and I thought to myself... mallowmelt! For those of you who don't know, there's a recipe for this delicious dessert online (and attached to this very chapter!) I highly recommend it, and I've decided to share my experience of making this awesome treat!

I've made mallowmelt quite a few times, and here's what I think you should know...

1)  Be prepared to get messy. Granted, I'm not the most accomplished baker, but there's a lot of stuff and sometimes it's just easier to use your hands. I always clean up while it's in the oven.

2) Snack while you go. It's important that you try all the ingredients to make sure they're up to par. This is the most crucial step.

3) Death by diabetes. This is basically pure bliss (aka sugar), and I'm kind of surprised I haven't had a heart attack from eating it yet.

4) Just do it. If you look at the finish product and think it could use a few more marshmallows, go for it. At this point, add whatever you think there should be more of because you're going to be eating a heck of a lot of sugar either way.

5) Don't wait. The directions say to let it cool completely, but THIS IS A MISTAKE! Wait a while so it isn't super runny, but it just tastes soooo much better when it's warm. 

6) Be prepared for a bellyache. This stuff is so good, but it's also so rich. You'll start with one piece and all of a sudden you'll realize you've eaten half the pan and your stomach has literally exploded. It's worth it though, trust me.

Happy baking!!!

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