I'm Fine - Darius Tanz

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yyeeet whump time

i dont think ive really written whump but darius tanz really works well with this prompt lmao so here we go.

try guess what the prompt is. 

After saving the world, you would've expected Darius Tanz to change.

Even after everything he's been through, the torture, the sickness, the coma, the pain, you would think he would change. Try and get better and be healthy.


In fact, the complete opposite happened. He locked himself in the Treehouse and worked and worked and worked, until Liam got alarms from TESS that the scientist had passed out while working on something.

Liam never found out what this secret project was, but appartnetly, it was bigger than the EM Drive, than Salvation, than the asteriod. 

So, when late at night, when Liam was busy coding a program, he noticed the bleary-eyed, slumped Darius standing in the elevator, leaning against the wall.

"Liam." The man croaked in his drawl and Liam went towards him. Even though Darius looked like shit, his hair a mess, stubble growing over his chin, clothes rumpled and wrinkled, bags under his eyes, body slumped and tired, there was a brightness to his eyes. 

"I did it."

He said, a lazy grin on his face. Liam tilted his head.

"Did, what exactly, Darius?" The younger man asked the possibly delusional man. 

Darius didn't say anything, just grabbing his arm and pulling him into the elevator. 

Silence was all that surrounded the men as they flew up the building, and the doors quietly opened with a ding. 

Darius walked through and the chime played. "Welcome back, Darius." The soft voice of TESS echoed through the room. 

The tech genius didn't answer, instead, moving to the middle of the room. Thoughts raced throuhg Liam's head on what crazy, insane task he had completed now. 

There were two metal-like disks on the ground, a couple of meters away. 

Darius picked up one of his books, The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, Liam noted with a smile. Darius acted so cool, like a prick, like a famous celebrity, but he knew the real Darius Tanz was defintely a nerd. He had seen him get excited over Star Wars movies and other classic sci-fis. 

Liam watched as Darius staggered over to the disk, one that had a blue stripe across the thin edge. He raised his hand above it.

"TESS, activate project 8367 variable E." 

The disk seemed to start glowing as a whirring noise started softly around them. There was a very faint glow, but still visible. 

Darius could barely contain the grin starting to grow on his face. 

"Activate project 8367 variable F." The second disk that stood a couple of meters away and had a yellow strip instead, started to glow, the same white hue as the first disk. 

The whirring noise grew louder and louder, until it almost took over the room, sounding like an invisible helicopter. 

Then Darius dropped the book in his hand into the first disk and everything went silent.

Liam had to blink and took a couple of looks. The book was gone.

Then Darius headed over to the second disk and waited a few moments, eyes fixated on the disk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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