Tam The Twink™

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this was a gift type thing im doing for @Fantasy_Rain because she awesome and has awesome art and ye

basically if you follow her nsfw account she posted her twink getting pegged


I write



how does one write pretty girl top

I don't know??? its hard for me(as a bottom) to write top characters so pls someone help me??? hhh??? also Tam is a mood around pretty girls

Tam squinted at the blaring lights and the pounding music around him. He guided Jeremy through the drunk, sober, tipsy, and wasted groups of people to bring him to a stop by a couch. 

"Now, remember your goal. Get laid and don't drink much-" 

Tam was cut off as a drunk Richard Goranski barrelled into Jeremy, letting out a whoop, and dragging Jeremy off. The squip rolled his eyes, before noticing Rich's squip hovering behind him. 

He had only seen her a couple of times, and when she glanced over and made eye contact with Tam, the blue squip looked away quickly, flushing. He looked back at the two boys, opening his mouth to tell Jeremy to not drink, but to his dismay, he saw the lanky teen already taking a shot, convinced by Rich. 

He noticed the female squip glitching a few times, indicating that her host was drunk. Tam could feel his own body starting to glitch, and he tried to warn Jeremy, but could only speak in Japanese. Damnit. He would just have to trust Jeremy.

Tam decided it would be best to leave Jeremy alone, so he disappeared, reappearing in a random, surprisingly empty bedroom in Jake's house. He sat on the bed, closing his eyes and scanning through Jeremy's memory files, deleting the unneeded ones. His blue eyes snapped open when he felt a hand on his thigh.

He turned and saw Rich's squip next to him, her eyes glimmering and using a hand to push a strand of Tam's white hair out of his face. He opened his mouth to try to speak, before blushing. The alcohol must've been taking effect of him as well.

"You're Jeremy's squip, right?" She asked after a few moments, to break the silence. Tam could only nod, still at a loss for words. "I'm Eva." She said, a soft smile on her face. The hand that was on his thigh creeped up, moving to his inner thigh.

"I-I'm Tam. What m-model are you? 5.0?" 

Wow, Tam, very smooth.

Eva giggled. "Actually, I'm a model 3.5, but thank you. I'm guessing you're a 4.0?" 

Tam nodded wordlessly. Eva seemed to inch closer, the green circuit patterns on her cheeks glowing brighter in the dark. He could feel a buzzing in his head as Jeremy got even drunker downstairs. God, why was it so hot in here? Could Squips even feel heat?

Her hand raised up to rest on the smaller squip's cheek. "You know, Tam, you seem very flustered around me." She stated. Tam blinked for a few moments, still blushing, before managing to stammer out "P-pretty.." 

Eva laughed. "You think I'm pretty? You should see yourself right now. Your cheeks flushed, circuits beaming, not to mention-" Her hand on his thigh moved once more, her touch resting barely above his crotch, where his hard-on was tenting through his outfit. What the fu-

"How hard you've become, just from me barely touching you~" She whispered out, leaning closer. Tam let out a soft whimper, biting his lip. 

"I've seen the way you stare at me, and I could feel how you felt when we synced for the first time." Somehow, they were now laying on the bed, Eva on top of him as he stared up at her. He felt helpless under her gaze, whimpering weakly again. Her hand traced down his cheek to his lips, her perfectly-manicured hand tracing over his lips, before moving down the blue circuit patterns. 

Other Ships!! - Oneshots!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora