Then I saw uncle pushed him back as then dodge the other villains at the same time fighting them, but he's almost at his limits.

"that annoying quirk of yours isn't suited for drawn-out fights against big groups is it" the villain said "don't you think you're a little out of your element here Eraser Head. You're much better working stealthily they're known for surprise attacks not fighting head to head, but despite knowing that you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight to put your students at ease."

Then I saw Uncle kept fighting endless, I want to step up but I can't endanger Tsu and Mineta. I breath in "guys I got a plan" I said



"once things are getting serious I'll grab Uncle Aizawa then Tsu you jump then grab him then make a run for it" I said

"sure, but what would you do, Yuki?" Tsu ask

"... I need go buy time for you guys to head to the exit" I said

"but that's suicide! With that many villains especially that guy just injured Mr. Aizawa by one touch!" Mineta said

"I know! I said incase things get serious" I said "once I did it you guys run don't hesitate to go back"

Then we watch uncle panting he's tired and worned out and his injuries are making him slower.

"look at you're still standing you really are so cool" the villain said "oh by the way hero I am not the final boss" he said

Then we saw a huge guy, his brains are showing, it's eyes are fully expose. Then I saw it attack uncle Aizawa is getting beat up so badly. I saw a lot of blood on the scene I felt scared.

"what do you think of him Eraser Head?" the villain ask "hmm... he's the bioengineered anti-symbol of peace but you can call him Nomu."

Then I saw it screech. Then it starts breaking Uncle Aizawa's bones, I felt horror on my sight.

"you can erase people's powers that's irritating but it's impressive, when faced with true devastating power you might as well be a quirkless child" the villain said

Then I saw Uncle tried to erase it's quirk but instead it broke his other arm. I heard him scream in agony. If Uncle can't erase it's quirk then this thing is still strong even his quirk is erased.

I couldn't stand the seen I breath in "Tsu get ready" I said

"Yuki No!" she warned me

"are you crazy! If that thing is so strong it could kill you!" Mineta said

"I can't stand by and watch, what kind of a hero will I be to watch someone die in front of me...!" I said.

Then I saw the warp villain return I heard Thirteen is already down, and one of us escaped must be Iida. Then I saw this guys tantrums it's like a child.

"get ready you guys?!" I said

I couldn't stand anymore so sprint "let him go!!!" I yelled then "Smash!!!" then unleash a powerful smash that send the Nomu flying across USJ. I kneel down then took Uncle to my lap I can see he has a lot of injuries and blood flowing down from his face.

"Uncle don't worry everything is gonna be okay..." I said

Then he slowly open his eyes "Yuki..." Uncle Aizawa mumnles

I smile but my eyes are calm "I'm sorry..." I said then I saw his eyes widen so I stood up then toss him towards Tsu's direction. Then I saw Tsu grab him with her tongue

Boku no Hero Academia : HOPE AND COURAGE Where stories live. Discover now