“they say it clothes can make the pros young ladies and gentlemen and behold you are the proof” Dad said “take this to heart from now on you are heroes in training” he observe them all “it's getting me racked up you looks so cool” he pause “now shall we get started you buncha newbies.”

After the assembly I saw Ochaco approached me “Yuki you look so cool on that outfit” she said.

“thanks” I said then I observe her costume “and you look so cute on that outfit.”

“nah, I should have been more specific since this suit is so skin tight” she said “but atleast your costume suits you, your costume is like a perfect match to All Might” she said.

“Did someone call me” I heard Dad's voice.

I felt sudden surprise him suddenly popping out just my hearing his code name, we just urn the we saw him approaching us.

“ah no sir, I'm just talking about Yuki's and your costume are like a perfect match” Ochaco said “in either way I like you and Yuki's costume design.”

He smiled then he do his signature laugh “well of course! Yuki is my pride and joy.”

“PRIDE AND JOY?!” they all exclaim.

"Dad?!" I panic.

“Yagi, what is All Might talking about?” Iida ask.

Then Dad step up “didn't Yuki told you that she's my Daughter” he said.

“DAUGHTER!” they all exclaim and shock.

“ahaha” me and my embarassed laugh “I guess I didn't told you guys... I should have told you guys.”

“Yuki is the Daughter of All Might.”

“no wonder why is the strength is so similar.”

“so cool we got cool classmate on our class.”

“no wonder why her name is so familiar.”

“you mean she's the daughter of All Might that the press wanted to interview.”

I cleared my throat “ahem” I signal “Dad, can you please proceed to the lesson” I reminded trying to dodge the social standard view.

“oh right” He said then he cleared his throat “now that you're ready it's time for combat training”

“Sir?” Iida raise his hand I just notice since his voice behind the suit.

“this is the fake city from our entrance exam does that means we'll be conducting urban battles again” he ask

“not quite, I'm gonna move you two steps ahead” All Might explain “most of the villains in the news take place outside, however statiscally speaking run-ins with the most dastardly evil doers take place indoors. Think about it back room deals, home invasion, secret underground lairs truly intelligent villains stay hidden in the shadows, for this training will be splitted into good-guys and bad-guys and fight in two-on-two indoor battles. but remember you're not actually punching robots now you'll be fighting actual people now” Dad told us.

Then the other's ask their questions.

“I wasn't finish talking” then All Might grab a script

 ‘you've got to be kidding me’ I thought 

“listen up the situation is this the villains have hidden a nuclear missle somewhere in their hideout, the heroes must try to foil their plans to do that the good guys they have to catch the evildoer's or recover the weapon likewise the bad guys succeed if they protect their pay load or capture the heroes” then Dad grab a box “time is limited and we'll choose teams by drawing lots.”

Boku no Hero Academia : HOPE AND COURAGE Where stories live. Discover now