Chapter 71-cultivation conference-part 6

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"Lan Zhan do I really look like a woman? Be honest!" Wei Wuxian looked at him.

"...Wei Ying!" Lan WangJi looked at him with admiration.

Wei Wuxian looked away, "Tell me the truth! It won't hurt me..."

Lan WangJi closed his eyes, "...a little bit. But I know you're a man... To me... you're handsome. I love everything about you. I would never think of you as a woman." He grabs Wei Wuxian's hand.

Wei Wuxian blushed and his lips quivered, "L-Lan Z-Zhan!!! I'm your beautiful husband!" He giggled.

He got up and kissed his lips, sitting back down and conversing with Jiang Cheng as if he did nothing wrong, "You're embarrassing!!! I'm always your third-wheel!"

Wei Wuxian pouts, "The other day I saw you and Xichen making out~! You're really submissive surprisingly!" He giggles.

Jiang Cheng blushes, "SHUTUP! like you can talk!"

Wei Wuxian was about to retort, but someone called out his name, "Bro Wei!"

"Mn?!" Wei Wuxian responds.

Nie Huaisang walks over to them and sits down, "Sorry about those men who touched you! They were from my clan! I can punish them if you'd like!"

Wei Wuxian gasped, "It's f...." he was interrupted.

"It's not fine! Wei Wuxian you do realize you were sexually harassed!" Jiang Cheng yelled.

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened, "Yeah go ahead. You can sit with us if you'd like!"

Nie huaisang nods, "Bro Wei, I didn't know that you were a cutsleeve! You were a total ladies man! And you fell in love with Lan WangJi of all people."

Wei Wuxian smiled, "I actually never have touched a woman's body, not even kiss one. Lan WangJi is the only one I've had sexual encounters with. We fell in love at 15 but couldn't admit our feelings until the events at guangyin temple. Thanks to your master plan, I'm alive and well, if it weren't for you or Mo XuanYu, I wouldn't be here. And no! Mo xuanyu being a cutsleeve didn't turn me into one. I've always been one."

Nie Huaisang smiles, "No need to thank me! I knew you were the only one who could perish the demon hand, Also I've been meaning to ask you... what ever happened to that erotic book I lended you? When we were 15!"

Wei Wuxian's eyes widens, "haha! Huaisang, about that..."

Nie huaisang cocks his head to the side, "Go on!"

"When I had to copy the rules, on the last day I tricked Lan Zhan, by switching the book he was reading with the erotic book. And.... he got flustered... and we had a fight... he tore it to shreds.... sorry!!! I'll buy you a new one!!!" Wei Wuxian bows his head.

Nie Huaisang laughs, "Bro Wei! No it's fine!!! I have plenty more! Your husband will be mad...."

Wei Wuxian stifles a laugh, "No... we have cutsleeve erotic books!!! To save him some dignity most of the time I do the shopping for it!" He bursts out in laughter at Huaisang's expression.

"Bro Wei, you really are shameless!" He said.

"Hmph! You just noticed! Welcome to our world with him as a teacher!" Jin Ling scoffed.

"Oh, Jin Ling and SiZhui am I correct?! Why is he here? It can't be!" He blushes.

"SiZhui is my husband! And Uncle Jiang is married to Xichen!" Jin Ling told him.

Nie Huaisang smiles, "Congrats! I have to go back to the mansion, see you guys tomorrow!"

They waved him goodbye, and their food finally came.

Wei Wuxian thanks the waitress, "Thanks!"

Wei Wuxian picks up his chopsticks and says, "Ahh~, Lan Zhan~!"

Wei Wuxian puts the food in Lan WangJi's mouth and Lan WangJi smiles, "Good!"

"Hehe!" Wei Wuxian grinned.

"You two are embarrassing to sit with!" Jiang Cheng grumpily says.

"Jiang Wanyin~ is jealous~! I'll feed you too then! Ahh!" Wei Wuxian teased him.

"Dumbass! That's even more embarrassing! Stoppp!" Jiang Cheng yells as Wei Wuxian puts the chopsticks in front of his mouth.

Lan Xichen laughs, "Young master Wei, You know how to lighten the mood!"

Jiang Cheng's jaw dropped, and Wei Wuxian took the opportunity to put the chopsticks in his mouth, Jiang Cheng chewed the food and said, "It is good!"

Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui ate in silence pretending like they didn't know them, "SiZhui, I don't know them."

"Me neither!" SiZhui agrees.

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian bickered on the way back to the mansion, "You two are idiots!" Jin Ling yelled.

all of the sudden someone tried to stab Wei Wuxian with a sword, Wei Wuxian summersaulted backwards and unsheathes suibian, 'suibian, give me your power!'

In the spirit world suibian was doing something frisky with bichen, "bichen~! I have to do what my master tells me!!!" He kisses him and gets dressed.

Wei Wuxian blushed furiously, 'my sword spirit!!! Is a cutsleeve?!!!! And with bichen?!!!!' He thinks to himself.

Suibian gives him his powers, "Trying to kill me!!! A war would be started!" He swings the sword and cuts them, killing them in an instant.

"Why do these robes look familiar?!" Wei Wuxian asked his husband.

The group thought for a long time, "it's one of the small clans!"

They would need their senior cultivators and some of the juniors.

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