Chapter 17- nightmare demon-part 4

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At midnight it had started to storm, the sky lit up with lightning and a loud boom followed right after. It was a dreary and dark night.

Especially for Wei Wuxian who had to trap himself in his nightmare to find out why the demon had started terrorizing this town and why did it target him, the Yiling Patriarch, who supposedly wasn't afraid of anything.

In the real world where his body was laying, he trembled and shook the bed, waking Lan Wangji up.

Wei Wuxian shifted and grabbed his Lan WangJi's sleeve tightly, yelling out, sobbing, "Lan Zhan! Don't leave me!" he trembled violently.

Lan Wangji panicked, his breath shaky, "Wei Ying! I'm here! I won't leave you!" he told him.

Lan Wangji stroked his cheek to wipe away the tears from under his eyes, "I know it's painful! You can do it!" He encouraged him.

Inside of the dream world Wei Wuxian walked around the area and realized that he was in the past, reliving painful memories he's since locked away.

He cringed at how arrogant he was towards his husband's feelings, he hurt him greatly, but he still loved him.

He then realized, 'This isn't the night hag, this demon reawakens memories you want to forget. I have to confront this demon, before I lose control in the real world. Sigh~!'

He laughed darkly, "Who dares mess with the yiling patriarch? The one who could crush a corpse's soul to nothingness." He said out loud.

The scenery changes to his last days with little A-Yuan, his and his husband's son. He wished that he could have gave him the best childhood that he could have, but it looks like his husband did that for him.

They became Fathers at a young age of 20. He noticed a shadowy figure in the distance and glared right at it.

It tried to flee, Wei Wuxian ran to catch up with it and yelled, "Wait! Come back!"

The thing ran faster, and Wei Wuxian smirked,
His eyes turned red and he paralyzed the demon with a spell.

"What do we have here?" He asked darkly.

The demon screeched, Wei Wuxian covered his ears and winced.

"Alright, I get what you're wanting me to do. You're wanting me to.... to forgive myself for my mistakes in my youth. You're just a subordinate of the real demon. No wonder I wasn't stuck in my nightmare like the others." He stated.

The demon transformed into human form and it was a man that had clothes on that was not of this century. Meaning he was from the past.

The demon spoke, "Yes, you're right. The real demon will keep you in a nightmare for a whole month. Depriving you of the will to live. To defeat the demon you need to think of the happiest moment of your life, and sing that song that your husband sung to you in the cave. Get your husband to sing at the same time in reality. Wake up in your world now and tell the others about this."

Wei Wuxian was stunned, "S-sing?! Happiest moment? My happiest moment was.... when I married him... I married him 10 years ago today." He told the demon before the world went dark.

He opened his eyes suddenly, Lan Sizhui was crying hugging him. He took a breath, and Lan Sizhui's head shot up and he blushed.

"Father!!!" He yelled. The others heard him and they rushed in. "Why are you guys crying?!" He asked confused.

Jiang cheng was stunned, "You almost stopped breathing, dumbass~!" He broke into tears.

"Oh, did I?" He rubbed the back of his head.

He told them about the demon he met, telling them what it said to do.

"Song?! What song?!" Lan Jingyi asked

"And what cave are you talking about?!"

Wei Wuxian blushed, "when Lan Wangji and I were 18 we were trapped in the cave of xuanwu. We killed it. I had a fever and he sung me a song that he made, that was about his feelings for me."

The juniors faces were complicated.

Wei Wuxian laughed. "What's the song called?"  They asked.

Wei wuxian's face turned bright red, he mumbled, "WangXian."

The juniors, "huh?! What was that?!"

Wei Wuxian's lips trembled, "The song is called Wang...... WangXian!"

They were left speechless.

The door opened and there was standing a man, his face had an rare expression of excitement of seeing his husband awake.

"Lan Zhan! You said you wouldn't leave me, liar!" He faked a pout.

Lan WangJi's ears turned red, "I didn't." He looked away.

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