Update on being sick! Plus special shoutouts to followers!

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I have a sinus infection, and cough. When the doctor looked in my ear, she said that my ear drum was red and was bulging out. It's probably because I was trying to get my nose to clear and my ears popped. But my ears don't hurt. 😐

I can't go to school today and is bored, well I have math homework due tomorrow on line at midnight but I would bother my mom who's an accountant and she's at work. Hehe! On to the story! I'm doing this because it relaxes me and makes me laugh while typing! Y'alls comments crack me up too! Love you guys who have been with me since the beginning!

Special shout out to my followers who comment the most: johnnyyshelby Dinsly ElizabethHuffman071 thestuffielover

And I may be wrong but I think, Dinsly has been a follower since I first made this account! Because they have been through my noob faze and then my wanting to quit faze and then style change faze! Thank you for being a follower from the very beginning! I think my Wattpad is about to hit 5 years old soon!

These are the people who I see the most comments from, so If you want me to do shoutouts to you just say so in the comments below and I will.

Because Literally 6 months ago, I almost gave up on fanfic writing, because I saw no results and all I was getting was negative comments on how the characters conversed too much, or the made homophobic slurs, (I reported those).

I had even deleted this app and Wattpad kept on emailing me saying that my fanfic had over 40k views, (the MDZS one shots) I literally cried that day, you don't know how happy that made me feel!

I'm guessing that these users comments that I shouted out to, were the ones who brought me back. So special thanks to them.

I realized that I could use my academic writing style, (which is descriptive writing) to make stories, and bam!

I'm happy that y'all came into my life!!!!

And happy 5th anniversary whenever the heck it is! I can't remember which month I signed up on here was. 😂

Nekomi-chan or Abbie-Chan. Whichever one you prefer to call me!

Wait a minute I never posted my thank you drawing!!!  🤦‍♀️ 😊 I'll post it now!!

😉 Wait a minute I never posted my thank you drawing!!!  🤦‍♀️ 😊 I'll post it now!!

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Love you guys!!!!!!

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