Chapter 16- Nightmare demon-part 3

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After hearing what the innkeeper has to say, the group went into town to get more information to see if the stories add up.

Wei Wuxian and Lan WangJi walked around together, it was almost their 10 year anniversary after all.

"Um... Lan Zhan.... about our anniversary.... I want to spend it with you all day long." He blushed. To be exact their anniversary was tomorrow.

Lan Wangji held his hand, and said, "en! Me too."

Wei Wuxian's face flushed, "Ah, let's get to the task at hand~!" He swung their connected hands.

Some people felt discomfort over them holding hands, one because they didn't know that they were the famous couple. Others felt disgusted because they were both men, and harshly yelled, "Bastards! Cut sleeves!"

Some knew who they were and scolded the crowd, "Hey, they're the famous couple! Hanguang-Jun and the yiling patriarch. Didn't you know?!"

Wei WuXian trembled, He usually didn't care what people thought about his relationship with Lan WangJi. But because of the nightmare he was scared of the harsh words that they told him. 'He didn't deserve the love of this man' or 'you tricked him' and the worst one was, 'break up!'

He broke into tears, and it stunned the crowd. Lan WangJi glared at the people who made him cry. They straightened up and left.

Lan Wangji calmed him down and he smiled, "Lan Zhan! Let's go!" He told him.

"En!" He replied. Wei Wuxian dragged him into an empty ally way, and kissed Lan WangJi's lips.

"If you leave me.... if you leave me...... I will never forgive you Lan Zhan! I love you with all of my heart. I don't know why I started crying." He frantically said.

Lan WangJi's eyes widened, "I... I would never leave you! It's okay to cry!" He hugged him tightly.

After awhile they went to go ask people what they knew about this demon.

A woman was crouching over crying in front of the entrance of a luxurious house. She was wearing robes that were pink and purple.

She had a flower in her hair that was red. She was trembling and sobbing.

Wei Wuxian went to her side and asked, "What's wrong madam? Something happen?" With a tone that he used with women in his younger years.

Lan Wangji knew that he was just trying to cheer her up, but he couldn't help but drink vinegar.

The maiden perked her head up and saw Wei Wuxian. Her face was red.

"My husband! He hasn't woken up in 5 days. He was taken by the nightmare demon! Please help! Please save him!" She sobbed uncontrollably and hugged Wei Wuxian.

She then realized that he who he was and saw Lan Wangji standing by a stall. She released herself from Wei Wuxian and frantically apologized, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Young Master Wei, Hanguang-Jun. Please solve this for us please!" She begged while sobbing.

Wei Wuxian rubbed the back of his head and awkwardly laughed, "Um... My husband knows that you're just distraught. It's fine... no need to be sorry. And we'll do anything in our power to stop this demon. I too have been affected, in order to stop this demon I need to meet the nightmare demon in my nightmare." He assured her.

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