The Little Mermaid: Female (Shy Mermaid) OC.

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(Song above: The Little Mermaid - Full Soundtrack 1/2)

(Song above: The Little Mermaid - Full Soundtrack 2/2)

Name: Angelia

Age: 17 years old

Personality: Mostly the timid, but kind type around herself, and others.

Hobby: Loves to sing songs to herself all alone, dreams of being in the world where she's a human with her crush, and enjoys drawing pictures.

Family/friends: None

Crush: Ursula (Note: Ursula can be a Male Ursula version if you'd like to ship her)

Earrings: Has 1 on both ears that they're the shape/color of a shell.

Skin tone: Pale white

Eye color: Sky blue

Hairstyle/color: Short shaggy (With front bangs) light gray hair.

Mermaid tail color: Pure white

Mermaid shells color: Sky blue

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