Slenderman: Female (Dark Spirit) OC.

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(Song above: Erutan - Come little children 1 hour)

Name: Ivy

Creepypasta name: Siren 

Age: 16

Skin tone: Slightly tanned skin 

Eye color: Dark black 

Hairstyle/color: Long shaggy dark gray hair.

Old clothing: Wears rags for clothes while barefoot.

Hidden wings: They're spikes around chains that they come out of her back.

New clothing: Black long-sleeved dress with a single drape over her ankles, barefoot with thorns anklets, and black thorns on her arms to her wrists.

Power: The summoning of death black poison chains on mortal humans, eternal shadows on humans when in the woods, and traps the humans with her Siren singing voice in her complete control before eating them alive.

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