Ruby: Uh, Professor Lionheart?

Lionheart gasps and sits up.

Lionheart: Qrow! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death!

Qrow stands up with a growl.

Qrow: Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

Lionheart: Huh? (pulling a pocket watch from his coat and checking it) Oh, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me.

Qrow: You're joking.

While Lionheart stands up and RNJR put their weapons away, Nora asks a question.

Nora: Where is everybody?

Lionheart: Ah, you must be the students Qrow mentioned.

Ruby: Yes, sir. (giving a loose salute) Ruby Rose.

Jaune: Jaune Arc.

Nora: (posing with her arms held stiffly out to the sides) Nora Valkyrie.

Ren: (putting his arms behind his back) Lie Ren.

You: (eyeing him carefully) Y/N L/N.

Lionheart: (chuckles) A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service. I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume, but--

Hearing this, Qrow briefly clenches his fists and then leans in toward Lionheart.

Qrow: What? Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the relic?

Lionheart: Qrow, the children.

Qrow: Already know. I filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?

Lionheart: (as this information sinks in) You... filled them in?

Nora: So, is this not going at all like anyone thought it would?

You six gathered in Lionheart's office, with the headmaster sitting behind his desk.

Lionheart: I have to say, Qrow, this all seems very reckless, even for you.

Qrow: No, reckless is leaving one of the Relics completely unguarded. It's not checking in with for ages!

Lionheart: There was nothing to check in about before the fall of , but since that day, Mistral has been in chaos! (standing from his chair, fists clenched) wasn't the only to suffer that night. Everyone was watching. Every house in every Kingdom saw the attack on the two students, (You look away, upset) saw monsters crawling all over the Kingdom, attacking citizens... (Jaune grimaces) and then nothing. You could feel the dread in the air. With all that negativity, you can imagine what it was like when the Grimm came for us. (walking to a window and looking outside) Mistral's territory is the widest reaching in the world, you know, and that makes it infinitely harder to protect. We lost so many great Huntsmen, teachers from this very institution. And it's only gotten worse.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Lionheart: (leaning on the windowsill) We may have dealt with the Grimm, but the Mistral council's still at odds with representatives from Atlas. First, it was the embargo, now it's the closing of borders. (turning and looking at Qrow) I'm not sure what happened to in Vale, but it seems to have only worsened some of his more unfortunate tendencies. (sighs) And, on top of everything, we still don't know where the is.

Qrow: All the more reason we need the Huntsmen and Huntresses here!

Ruby: (moving closer to the two) Okay! Okay. Things are bad. But we can figure this out. Why is the Spring Maiden so important?

A Hero Has Risen (RWBY x Multiverse Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now