Niall: Meet Mr. Horan and.... Mr. Harvey?!

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Today you felt huge as ever. You were due a few days ago, and you felt like your baby boy would never come. Today is also the day where Niall had to go and do some last minute shooting for their new music video. Since you are passed your due dat

e, Niall wants to take you everywhere he goes just incase you go into labor.

"Babe are you ready to go? We can't be late or we'll be at the studio overnight!" Niall shouted up the stairs.

"Calm down I'm coming. Ya know, I can't get ready as fast as you because I'm carrying your child." You sassed slowly walking down the stairs. (Outfit on side or top. Only thing that I'm going to change is that you have simple beige pumps on, not those weird looking shoes that show in the picture)

 Niall smiled at you, "Baby, you look absolutely beautiful." He was so happy to hear you say that the baby was his. After finding out you were pregnant and had that huge rampage, you did occasionally have breakdowns about whether your rapist would come back and take the baby, or whether the baby would hate you because Niall isn't his biological father.

You smile and kiss his cheek while walking into the kitchen and prepared yourself breakfast to go. A nice bowl of oatmeal, tea, and some snacks. You put the easy to pack snacks in your purse (one from the picture) and packed the oatmeal and tea in separate thermoses and grabbed a spoon, which you put in your purse as well. Your hair was in a low, professional looking bun with a small section of hair hanging out near your face making it look fancy, yet effortless.

"Ok, I'm ready. How long does it take to get to the studio?" You ask grabbing your purse and hanging it on your shoulder.

"Um... its about eight tirdy now. (hehe tirdy. Tried to write Niall's accent) So maybe we'll get there around nine tirdy depending on traffic." Niall replied grabbing the keys to his Mercedes-Benz.

You nodded and grabbed your oatmeal thermos and put your tea mug on top (obviously a mug thermos to go thing) of the oatmeal, with your hand wrapped around the cup.

"So shall we go then... Mr. Harvey?" You smirked walking out the door.

Even though you were outside, you could still hear Niall's adorable laugh from inside the house, causing you to break out laughing putting your tea mug in a cup holder and carefully put your purse and oatmeal thermos near your feet. As, Niall walked towards the car, you were all settled and slammed the car door shut making sure it was closed all the way. He came in and slammed his door shut as well, and you both simultaneously buckled yourselves in and started to drive towards the set of the Best Song Ever music video.

"We're gonna need to get another car." Niall stated while keeping his eyes on the road in front of him.

"Another one? Niall we have two. That's plenty for a family."

"But we need one to drive with Aiden." He argued.

"Niall, I have a Honda Pilot. It's huge and family friendly. If we take family trips then we can use my car, and if you want to drive Aiden somewhere, then we can get a second baby carrier so we can keep one in each car." You reasoned.

"Oh... Right. I forgot you had a car." 

"Excuse me?"

"No! I didn't mean that in a bad way. I just mean that I drive you everywhere an-"

"You don't drive me EVERYWHERE. You choose to drive me, when I am perfectly fine to drive myself. You are just so paranoid with me being pregnant and that we are going to have a child in the house soon, you are overreacting. And it's really annoying."

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