9- Cravings

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Louis: (Your POV)

     I woke up at 2AM looking for the one constant craving I have had since day one. But of course as I try and search for it, I realize that Louis has hidden it. Grrr! Time to go hunting. 

     It's now almost 3AM, I'm starving as hell, and still can't find the food! And about 20 minutes ago I knocked a whole bunch of pans over thinking that I could quietly make something... I was wrong. I was afraid that I had woken Louis up. Since I didn't hear anything within 5 minutes, I assumed he was asleep still. Another few minutes of searching the whole kitchen, and still no luck. But I got the scare of my life when the light instantly turned on.

     "(Y/N)? What are you doing up this early?" Louis yawned.

     "Sorry Boobear. Baby got hungry and woke me up." I whispered, considering that Louis was still half asleep.

     "Do you need me to get everything out?"

     "Yes please. I can't find it."

     As Louis got everything out of it's hiding spot he asked, "How can you eat this stuff? Pickles dipped in mayonaise can't be the least bit good."

     Then I grabbed a pickle and quickly dipped it in the mayo, and just before I bit it, I replied, "It's good for a pregnant woman craving it." I then bit into the pickle moaning as it filled my hunger. "Want some?"

     "No thanks baby. Just finish eating what you want, and let's go to bed. And next time you get a craving, wake me up. I don't want you getting out of bed in the middle of the night. Unless you have to pee. I am going to be here all these 9 months, so I am going to be helpful in any way possible."

Liam: (Third Person POV)

     Liam and the guys wanted to treat you like a queen tonight, so they all werer chipping in to make dinner. And of course as they are in the middle of cooking everything a giant craving hits you.

     "Liam!" You yell.

     "Yes love?"

     "My craving is back." And that is a huge sign for Liam, because you can't consume anything if you have a craving. The choices are: eat the craving or pukek up the other food.

     "What is it this time babe?"

     "I want-The baby wants peanut butter on chicken."

     "EW! Is that even edible?" Zayn questions.

     "I don't know, but the baby is really wanting some right now, but I don't want to eat alone."

     "I'll try it with you (Y/N/N)!" Niall exclaimed.


     When dinnner came, all of the guys couldn't even look at you as you ate the peanut butter coated chicken. Well, everyone but Niall. He even admitted that it wasn't that bad.

Harry(Third Person POV)

     You and Harry were taking it easy today. Light foods, cuddles on the couch, movie marathons, the works!

     "I'm gonna go get another Sprite and some chips." (A/N: In this case, I mean french fries) Harry offered.


      "The usual?" 

     "Yes please."

     A few moments later, Harry came back with a plate filled with your most recent craving.

     "How can that taste the slightest bit good?"

     "I don't know. It just does... I guess... But haven't you ever been told: Don't knock it until you try it."

     "Ya, but that doesn't count. Peanut butter on cheddar cheese is NOT something on the list to try before I reject it."

     "Whatever... Suit yourself."

Niall: (Third Person POV)

     Niall is in the kitchen cooking pasta. Tonight you were having a Prepare your own Pasta night. So of course that was when your craving took over.

     "Niall?! Babe?! Is dinner almost ready?" You called out.

     "Right now. Come to the kitchen and prepare your own pasta."

     "Yaay!" You ran into the kitchen faster than The Flash. "Where is the chocolate syrup?" You wondered.

     "Why? Do you want chocolate milk?"

     "Oh HELL no! It's to put on the pasta."

     "Ok. You and I both know that I would try anything on food, but that is just nasty!"

     "MMmmm! It's actually not that bad." You replied with a mouth full of food.

     "You are one crazy girl."

Zayn: (His POV)

     (Y/N) and I are in the kitchen creating random food combinations to dare each other to eat.

     Strangely (Y/N) accidentily put salsa on a cinnamon poptart and liked it. Ever since that happened at 7AM today, the pregnancy took over and has caused her to crave it.

     It is now noon, and is time for lunch. So (Y/N), Mom, Dad, and I all head to the kitchen to fix ourselves some lunch.

     "Babe, what would you like?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

     "I got it Zayn. Thank you though."

     So she went into the cabinet and got out a cinnamon poptart and some salsa. As (Y/N) was eating her lunch, Mom couldn't stop cringing at what was happening. You see, Mom is very traditional. If it is not royal, or proper, she starts to cringe and go all pshyco.

     "(Y/N)? Wouldn't you like to eat something more..... Appetizing?" Mom tried to say calmly.

     "No thank you. I was actually having a pregnancy craving, and this was the outcome." 

     So for the next 10 minutes, Mom couldn't stop cringing. I had to bite my lip until it was almost bleeding to stop myself from laughing at my mother's face. I can't wait to see what other cravings and other shit happens during (Y/N)'s pregnancy.



so today sucked ass! 

I'm pretty sure I failed my English test, and I think I have two pop-TESTS on Friday.

Thank you so much for two hundred and something reads! 

I thought this book sucked.... apparently not :)

Well, its 12:07AM and I have to get up pretty soon.... I think I might start working on the next chapter and finish tomorrow night... Or tonight... WHATEVER!

BTW: this book won't have parts that normal/most Pregnancy Series have... I like being different <3



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