20- Birth Session/Classes

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 You walk in the door running late from work, realizing that you have your first birth class today.

 "(Y/N)? Babe is that you?" Louis walks down the stairs smiling seeing you and helps you take your jacket off, and leads you to your soon-to-be birthing room.

 "(Y/N)! Great to see you again love, and you've gotten so big since last month!" Jay gleamed with happiness.

 "Thank you," you smiled rubbing your 6 month belly where the twins are surprisingly relaxed and aren't moving like hell. "I'm just glad right now the girls aren't moving around. Normally Erica moves around all day, and I am kept up at night by Luna. They are complete opposites, they aren't even born yet and they are already teaming up against their mom."

"Don't worry love, if my angels decide to cause mummy trouble, I'll make sure all is right." Louis stated.

"Ok moving on. So for the lesson today, I was thinking to just explain what will happen, and next time, I will demonstrate what you will do, and how Lou will deliver it and all will work out." Jay smiles.

"Let's get started."


"Liam we're going to be la-"

"Babe we don't have time for this, we're going to be late."

 "I just said that Liam." You let your hormones get the best of you.  "LIAM PAYNE STOP BEING SUCH A GIRL, AND PICK A FUCKING HAT SO WE CAN GO!" You stormed off to the car as best you could with your waddle.

Liam felt like an ass and immediately picked his Addidas hat and grabbed the keys and jogged to catch up with you at the car. 

"B-babe... I-I'm sorry. I'm just nervous I gues..... I've never been to one of these before." 

Both of you drove to the center where your midwife was waiting for you because Liam made you run late.

"Ok, so today we are just going to learn the basic birthing positions. Is everyone alright with that?" The fricking fake-ass happy teacher said.

The only thing that kept you sane was Liam, and his sly comments every once in a while making fun of Ms. Fake ass.


As you sit there focused on the video of an actual live birth, you feel Harry squirm from behind you.

"You ok Harry?" You whisper to him.

"U-um... Y-Ya.... I just didn't realize how disguisting and gruesome labor and delivery is." He stopped talking as the woman in the video screamed like hell on the top of her lungs. "Please tell me you aren't going to be that terrible at home are you?"

"Well, since I won't be having an epidural at our home birth, I will try to withstand the pain with different types of remedies. Don't worry Hazz, I can handle pain."

"Excuse you. Would you please quiet down, some of us would like to learn in this class." The evil teacher scolded you guys, which caused you to quietly giggle and Harry to rub your big bump with his big hands.

Niall: (Made up crap for this part only for Niall because I wanted something different and I'm too lazy to do research)

Instead of going to an actual birth class, you and Niall decided to create your own, and google the things that you need to know. Well... It was all Niall;s idea. He wanted to feel more involved with your pregnancy.

"I'm not so sure about this Ni."

Niall read online about a certain type of accupuncture can help a pregnant woman and the baby relax and stay calm. And because of this strange interest, you are now laying on your bed on your back wearing nothing but your boy-shorts style underpants and your bra.

"Princess relax, take deep breaths. I was gone all day taking a class on this."

You closed your eyes taking deep breaths as you felt Niall put in the first accupuncture needle, surprisingly feeling a bit more relaxed.

"You should have more faith in me princess." Niall chuckled, kissing your nose and belly.


You sat criss-cross-applesauce on your king sized bed, leaning into Zayn's strong, toned chest as Dr. Dorian explains today's lesson.

"So today I am just going to show you some breathing techniques to help deal with the pain during labor."

You and Zayn nod and watch as Dr. Dorian shows a method where you just breathe deeply in and out. After he finished it was your turn and you closed your eyes, leaned your head back onto Zayn's chest/shoulder and breathed in deeply, and exhaled deeply. In through the nose, out through the mouth. 

"I actually feel more relaxed already." You say surprised.

"That is good. I do not want you to be uncomfortable in labor. I will be there every step of the way holding your hand getting you anything you need, doing anything you need." Zayn states.

You smile looking up at him and peck his lips going back to the ridiculous lesson Dr. Dorian is teaching. But it doesn't matter because you have your Zayniepoo with you.



Look who's back! Sorta.... So my laptop is abolute shit so I am slowly working on my updates, and I apologize because I got a request a while ago for an imagine but it was very similar to one I did so I might now do it.... Sorry.

But I'm on summer break which means my mom wants me to be social..... NAH! I'd rather write. So I'm going to try and right as much as I can.

I saw Malefacent and it is so amazing! ANGELINA JOLIE HOLEY SHIT YES!!!!

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