17- Godparents

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Louis: (Your POV)

     Louis and I invited over my best friend Macy, and Louis’ best friend Stan for lunch.

     As I am cooking up lunch, I hear the doorbell ring. Of course, Louis is just watching TV and doesn’t even get up.


     “Ugh! Fine.”

     Louis let Macy and Stan in and lead them to the Kitchen where lunch is almost ready.

     “Oh my gosh (Y/N)! Look at you! You’re glowing!” Macy complimented.

     “You have gotten so big!” Stan exclaimed, earning a big smack on the head by Louis.

     “Don’t listen to him babe. You’re beautiful.” Louis complimented.

     “Alright shut up and go sit down. Lunch is ready.”

     And right as I was about to grab a ladle to serve my homemade soup, Louis grabbed it.

     “Come on Lou, give it.”

     “NO, you’re pregnant. Go sit down and relax so we can talk to them.”

     The four of us are now sitting down at the island in the Kitchen eating the soup. I take a quick glimpse at Louis, and find him looking at me too.

     “So not that I don’t like seeing my two best friends, but why did you call us over?” Macy asked.

     “Right! So um….. (Y/N) and I um….”

     “For God’s sake Louis! We want you guys to be Erica’s and Luna’s Godparents.”

     Macy and Stan sat there speechless with huge smiles on their faces. They just hopped off the stools and embraced Louis in a giant bear hug. And when they tried to hug me, it was hard because of the two little ducklings inside my belly.

     “Should I take this as a yes?” Louis chuckled.

Liam: (Your POV)

     Liam is in the studio recording right now, and I found this the perfect time to talk to Perrie and Ashton.  I sneak out of the studio as Liam sings his heart out in the recording booth looking for Ashton and Perrie. What are the odds that I bump into both of them in the hall at once?

     “Hey guys! I need to ask you something.” I walked infront of the both of them, standing in the middle of the hall.

     “Yes.” Ashton said confidently.

     “What?” Perrie and I asked confusedly in unison.

     “Yes I will be the amazing BEST godfather your triplets will have.” Ashton informed me.

     “H-ho-how did you know that’s why I came here?”

     “I just knew…. Call it…. Godfather intuition.” Ashton winked.

     Perrie and I just laughed hysterically. “S-so P-perrie…” I continued laughing. “Ah…. So Perrie, does that mean you will be the godmother?”

     “YES!!!!!” Perrie almost jumped on me.

     “Woah! Be careful of my wife Pezz” Liam joked as he stepped into the hall.

1D Pregnancy Series {Completed}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя