22. Baby Shower

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Louis wanted to surprise you with a baby shower for you and the twins. So he had his mom help with the decorations and the location. Of course she chose the classy location of your home, and the cliche theme of pink since you're having two girls.

When you walk in the first thing that comes out of Louis' mouth is "Really mum? I said no pink."

You giggle, "No Lou I love it. Thank you." You kissed his cheek and waddled towards the few guests that he had wrangled together since he knew that you would probably want a small baby shower.

"Thank you so much Jay." You smile hugging her. 

"It's nothing sweetie, anything for my beautiful daughter-in -law." Jay replied hugging you back. "Ok everybody time for games!" Jay announced smiling.


When you found out that Karen planned a baby shower for you, immediately your reaction was to deny it, but since it's Karen and she is so sweet and kind you couldn't say no. You loved that the color scheme wasn't just pink and blue, it was yellow and purple which was perfect since they are both sort of gender neutral colors. And the cutest thing is, is that its sorta lunch time and you saw fancy little finger sandwiches. (lol idk what I'm trying to say here)

She forbid any boys or men to be present during the shower. Karen also made you sit down in the most comfortable soft chair to keep you relaxed and pain free. 

"Ok everyone time for lunch!" Karen smiled and laughed seeing that you were the first one up and out of your seat headed to the kitchen ready for lunch.

"Thank goodness! I'm starving." You smile grabbing almost three of every food offered at the mini buffet table.

"Does my son even feed you?" Karen joked.

And thanks to your wonderful mother-in-law, your baby shower for the Payne triplets was wonderful and was a huge happy event, and you couldn't be happier to be with Liam and to be blessed with such a wonderful family.


"So what do we do at a baby shower?" You ask absolutely clueless.

"Um... I think we just eat and relax and have fun... Right mum?" Harry checked with his mom.

All Anne did was laugh and nod leading you to the backyard where there were fairylights all over the place twinkling in the night and there were beautiful tables with the cutest table cloth for the girls.

"Oh Anne it's beautiful." You tear up getting all emotional.

"Thank you dear, but you should tell your husband. He's the one who decorated it all." Anne smiled handing you a big piece of cake.

You smiled thanking her then walked up to Harry asking for help bringing in the gifts.

"No baby I'm fine. The guys can help me. I just want you to relax, plus no heavy lifting." He winked then walked in the house with Niall carrying a shit load of boxes.


"Ok everyone grab some string and see if you're right with how big (Y/N)'s belly is." Maura instructed.

Everyone picked some string and cut it to the size of their estimate.

Almost everyone had it either too big or too small. And with all of the failures, it was making you feel really self conscious and fat. That is, until it was your fiance's turn. 

"Hey Niall, I bet yours will be three times too big." Harry joked around.

That made a stinging pain in your chest. 

Don't let it get to you (Y/N). It was just a joke. I'm sure Niall will do great. 

Niall looks at you with a big smile on his face and wraps the string around your belly perfectly. He then kisses your nose. "You're my princess, and I know how small you are." He winks and pulls you into a big, warm, loving Horan Hug.

"I love you Ni."

"I love you too angel."


Your baby shower, although unwanted, was a very traditional one. There were no men, strictly women, even the servants were just women.

Tricia had it take place in your bedroom since it was cozy and it was big enough for a small little shower. Plus you were ordered on strict bedrest for the rest of your pregnancy ever since you hit about 7 1/2 months along.

"Ok (Y/N) open your next gift." Tricia instructed.

So you grabbed a random box and opened it and immediately your face fell.

"What is it?" One of Zayn's younger sisters, Safaa, asked.

"U-uh, it's nothing Safaa. Don't worry about it." Your reply.

Zayn's older sister Doniya took it from you and bursted out laughing. "Who gets a breast pump for a baby shower gift?! She isn't a cow." 

"Gee thanks Doniya. Considering that that gift came from you and your husband." You smirked.

Doniya walked out a bit annoyed that her husband would get you something this ridiculous.

Then suddenly you heard a knock on the door, "Babe can I come in? You and mum both promised the baby shower would be over by now." Zayn sweetly stated.

"Yes you can come in love."

And the rest of your day was spent cuddling in bed with Zayn.


Sorry it was so short and shitty.................... AGAIN!

I was planning on updating earlier but was too lazy.

That tweet from Liam about Sophia= ouch. I felt a pain in my chest. I am a Liam girl and that hurt. I get it they are dating but UGH she is just ugh I don't like her. I prefer Liam to be with Danielle but I am not trying to control his life. Let him be with whomever he wants. 

Ok few announcements.

1. This was supposed to be updated on August 2. But instead it is posted on August 3. Which by the way is my birthday:) I am now officially 15.

2. I will not be updating Slave King until any time after Monday. I will not be on Monday at all so please don't message me until Tuesday. I won't be here cuz I'm going to see One Direction perform at MetLife Stadium!!!!!!! Be Jelly ;)

3. I want to thank @200394231m and @x-Killjoy-x  for their birthday messages. Girls you are amazing and the best and thank you for everything you have done for me. Love you guys!


Aight then...


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