12- Finding Out The Gender

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Louis: (Third Person POV)

     You and Louis were in the examination room waiting for the midwife to come in and announce the sex of your babies. And a few moments ago you exploded on Louis for not telling you about the gender prediction. And of course, being the loving softy he is apologized and promised never to hide something from you again.

     “Ok kiddies! Again, congratulations. Now, in this folder here, is the gender of both babies. You want to know both genders right?”

     You and Louis just nodded; too full of excitement to speak.

     “Well, it looks like you are having two beautiful baby girls!”

     This is one of the best days of yours and Louis’ lives.

Liam: (His POV)

     (Y/N) and I are staring at the screen that is shown from the wand Dr. Matthews is holding.

     “Now if you look here, we can see what Baby A is.”

     “Is that a-”

     “Yes. That is a penis. Congratualtions. Baby A is a boy. And it looks like Baby B is as well.”

    “The third baby doesn’t have the little blob like Babies A and B. Does that mean Baby C is-is a girl?” (Y/N) pointed out.

     “Yes. Congratulations. The Payne triplets are two boys and a girl.”

Harry: (Third Person POV)

     Since Gemma doesn’t leave for another week, you decided to invite her to this doctor’s appointment.

     “Hello (Y/N)! Hi Harry!” Dr. Grey greeted.

     You stayed silent while Harry and Gemma greeted Dr. Grey.

     “Nervous huh? Well there is no need! I have been through this as well. If there are going to be any tears, they will be happy ones, ok?” Dr. Grey comforted.

     She is now moving the wand where you can see the full body of your little Trouble Makers.

     “The legs are here, and if it was a boy, you would see the penis right here.” Dr. Grey said pointing to nothing between the two fetuses.

     “So that means…” You started.

     “I’M HAVING TWIN NIECES!!!” Gemma celebrated.

     “Congratulations you two.” Dr. Grey said as she cleaned you off and made your next appointment.

Niall: (His POV)

     (Y/N) and I are just staring at the screen waiting for Dr. Shepherd to announce the gender of my little miracle child. Ok, he is just staring at the screen, obviously knowing what the gender of my baby is. Look! He is writing in his little file thingy now!

     “So what is it Dr. Shepherd?” (Y/N) asked nervously. Her voice shook with fear. I gave her hand a squeeze, a kiss on the cheek, and a loving supportive look.

     “Well Ms. (Y/L/N), if you look inbetween the legs here, do you think you can make something out?”

     “Oh my God.” I caught on. “We’re having a boy… We’re having a boy!”


Zayn: (His POV) *Warning: Includes Family Conflict and insulting Zayn’s family. I do NOT believe any of the insults I write*

     Today (Y/N) and I are finally finding out what the baby is… But we are very confused, because (Y/N) is bigger than most pregnant women at 4 months. But we don’t care because all that matters is that we’re having a baby!!!!!

     “Helloooo Maliks! And soon-to-be Malik.” Dr. Dorian greeted. “You have gotten quite big since the last time I saw you. And don’t worry Princess that is a compliment. It means that the baby is growing properly. Now let’s get you up on the table so we can get a look at the royal addition.”

     Dr. Dorian moves (Y/N)’s shirt and pants so he could move the wand more. He scrunches his face up slightly as he stared at the screen and moved the wand vigorously. As he was there in confusion, (Y/N) turned her head to look at me. Concern and fear shining in her beautiful tear-filled (Y/E/C) eyes. I kissed her forehead then rubbed my thumb over it calming her down while I squeezed her hand with my left hand comforting her. Dr. Dorian released his confused expression and it turned into a big fat smile.

     “Princess, I now know why your belly is so big… It looks like you are having triplets. Aaannddd…. It looks like they are all girls.” Dr. Dorian smiled. He then left us alone to talk amongst ourselves, which of course I know where this is leading to.

     “Get rid of them.” Mom said.

     This caused (Y/N) to tear up. She has never been so happy for something in her whole life. I can’t let my little princesses just be taken away right after I met them.


     “Excuse me? If I didn’t know better, I would say that you are 1) talking back to me, and 2) disrespecting the Royal Rules! Now I won’t say this again Zayn Javaad Malik. Abort. The. Pregnancy. Now. Or I will go get the doctor and order it myself.” Mom threatened.

     “No! I have had enough of these ridiculous rules! (Y/N) and I are finally happy, and the freaking Royal Rules have to come and ruin it all! If you want me to be happy and if you want me to be happy and if you want (Y/N) to be happy, then let us have our little princesses. One way or another we are going to have a family, with no exceptions or abortions! Now…. How do you feel about abortion now?” I challenged.

     She was silent. Looks like I won. And so did (Y/N). Us and our little piglets (A/N: Cuz the THREE LITTLE PIGS! Ya? No? whatever.)

The five of us are complete, and we are the happiest family that has ever lived in the kindom.



HI! Thanks soooo much for......


Well, I am going to attempt to remember the stuff I just studied for Geometry. I pray that everything will be ok.

What did you think of Zayn finally standing up for himself??????? Hmmm???

Who watched PLL and The Fosters???? OMG!!!!!!!!!!

-Comment PLL if you liked the chapter.



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