14- Baby Names

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*You are 6 months pregnant now, and it is different times of the year because you conceived on different days*


Louis: (Your POV) *Eleanor and Louis never met here. There were rumors about them going out, but here they don’t even know each other*

     It is 10pm as Louis finally came into bed with me. And then a thought occurred to me; we haven’t even thought of baby names for the twins. And soon enough, we have to decorate, and create the nursery.

     “Louis, we need to think of names for the twins.”

     “I thought this topic would come up, so I thought of a couple names, and tell me what you think. And when I’m done, you share what names you have.”

     “Ok.” I shifted sitting up against the headboard. “Hit me with your best shot.”







     “That wasn’t even a name! I was just thinking.”

     “Either way… No.”

     “Ok. Let’s see your baby names Oh Great One.”

     “For baby #1, I was thinking of Erica Jane Tomlinson.”


     “Because Erica means Eternal Ruler, and she and baby #2 are going to rule your world.”

     “Cute! I like it! What about baby #2?”

     “Well, since this baby stays up at night kicking me, I wanted to name her Luna Eleanor Tomlinson. Luna means Moon, and Eleanor means Sun. So I thought since she stays up at night, name her after the moon, and the exact opposite for her middle name.”

     “I absolutely LOVE it!”

     Louis then kissed my stomach two times, said good night to Erica and Luna then kissed me goodnight and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

                 Erica Jane Tomlinson
                 Luna Eleanor Tomlinson

Liam: (Your POV)

     Liam and I called over Perrie, and Ashton to help name the triplets. They are the only ones that are involved with this process because they have been here the most for the pregnancy.

     “So in the little hat there are three pieces of paper. One says girl and the others say boy #1 or boy #2. That is the baby that you are going to be naming. Perrie! You pick first.” I said.

     Perrie shoves her hand into the bag, and pulls out the first piece of paper of the hat.

     “Ok…… I got…” She unfolds the paper, “Boy!”

     “So? What name do you have in mind?” Liam asked.

     “Ashton James Payne.”

     “Hey! He’s named after me!” Ashton cheered.

     “Let me explain before you start going around being all proud that the baby is named after you and not the other guys.” Perrie scolded. “I chose Ashton because Mr. Irwin here has been there for you whenever Liam wasn’t. And then James because of his dad, and Niall. So in theory I have named him after three people… And it ALL has meaning. So try and top that losers.” Perrie said the beginning facing me and Liam, and ending facing Ashton.

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