21- Uncomfortable Moment

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Louis: (7 Months) [Sore, swollen feet]

You were getting tired of carrying the twins and just wanted them out. 

Right now you and Louis are taking a nice, long, relaxing walk in the park when of course, your pregnancy had to ruin all of the fun.

"Ow Louis can we go home please?"

He looked at you curiously, "Babe, we haven't even been here for 20 minutes and you already want to leave?"

You nod, "My feet are killing me, and these walks are supposed to help!" You whine in discomfort and pain.

"Ok love let's go home and I'll rub your feet and you can relax them in nice warm water, yeah?"

You mile at the idea and started walking-more like waddling- towards the car.


Once you got home Louis brought you to your favorite couch in the livingroom, and put on your favorite movie while heating up some water for your footbath.

He then came back with a big tub thing so you can put your feet in the relaxing warm water.

While one foot was in the water, the other one would be being rubbed with oothing lotion by Louis' magic hands.

With this magical idea, Louis cured your sore, swollen feet.

Liam: (7 1/2 months) [Uncomfortable with your body]

This morning Liam went to the recording studio earlier than usual so he could spend more time with you before the triplets came. When you woke up, it was about 10am, and Liam had left at 5am. You wanted to go on a nice, relaxing walk; obviously you had to get up, which was the struggle since you are 7 and 1/2 months pregnant with triplets. 

You slowly get up out of bed and make your way to your closet and grabbed leggings and a tank top. On the way to your closet, you passed by your full length mirror and stood in front of it. You sighed and took your shirt off standing there in now a pair of Liam's sweats, and your bra.

"I'm so fat," you mumble to yourself draping your arm around your big huge bump. "What does he still see in me? I'm fucking huge." You look down at your belly feeling very self-conscious and insecure about your weight and appearance.

Suddenly, you feel a pair of two big warm arms wrap around your waist and felt a kiss being placed on your jaw line.

"Baby, you're perfect the way you are. And before you say anything, you are not fat, it is how big the babies are and how perfect they are going to be." Liam walked around your body and kneeled in front of your belly and kisses it in three separate spots. "One for each of the babies," he got up and stood face-to-face to you, "and one for their perfect, beautiful mother," Liam kissed you on your lips.

Without Liam, you would have been depressed 24/7 once you saw yourself in the mirror; that's how insecure you were about your pregnant body. But with Liam, he made you feel like a queen at any time, in any mood. In other words, Liam is your pregnancy savior.

Harry: (8 months) [Sore boobs] {I lost track of what actual month it is so if it makes no sense, then they are on tour. Sorry, I'm just too dam lazy to check and make it real or whatever. So sorry for those who are all for accuracy, I'm here to write and make people who like my writing happy and not my accuracy}

Harry and the guys were outside swimming in the pool, while you were sitting on a chair relaxing.

"Hey babe, we're really thirsty. Can you go get us some beers please?" Harry asked you.

You sighed and got up with your huge ass belly from Aria and Emma. You waddled into the house and into the kitchen grabbing the whole pack of beers to bring out to the guys. And as you were heading out, your boobs decided to be little fuckers. You used your free hand and scratched your boob which is extremely itchy and sore which makes it much worse as you scratch it. You waddle out forgetting about the boys and mumbles frustrated, "God dammit you fucking boob."

All of the boys freeze and look at you. 

"Babe?" Harry asks confused.

"Hey it's not my fault that you got me pregnant and have caused my sore boobs to hurt more by me scratching them when they are itchy as fuck." You then freeze, put the beers by the pool and scratch your other boob, "You little fucker. I hate you boob. Stop being so sore and itchy."

Harry ends up silently laughing at you for talking to yourself, and your boobs while scratching them and complaining about how sore they are and how they hurt.

Niall: (8 months) [Can't sleep]

You look at the clock seeing that it said 3:08am and groaned.

All night you have not been able to sleep, and Niall looking like a peaceful angel when he sleeps doesn't help at all. You have wanted to wake him up for over three hours now, but he looks too peaceful to wake up. So you decided to suffer with the discomfort so he can sleep.

A few minutes later, Niall wakes up from your tossing and turning and gently grabs your arm. 

"Babe, is there a reason as to why you are up at 4 in the morning?" His sexy sleepy voice says.

"I-I haven't been able to sleep." You reply shamefully.

"Have you even slept at all?"

You shake your head exhausted and guilty that you woke Niall up. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Babe," he sighs holding you closer, "I have always told you to wake me up if you have a problem." 

You nod. "But I didn't want to be a bother and wake you up from sleeping. You have been working so hard lately and you deserve sleep."

"So do you (Y/N). I have been working hard so you could relax more before Aiden comes. You are pregnant and need to relax. Why don't you cuddle up to me like you love to and get some sleep yeah?"

You nod and cuddle into his side where you instantly fell asleep along with your prince charming.

Zayn: (7 months) [Back Pain]

You have been laying down trying to relieve the pain coming rom your back. 

By the time Zayn had come back from meetings about your wedding and your children, your back was so bad that you couldn't even breathe without being in pain. 

"(Y/N)? Hunny? Are you ok?" Zayn asked softly.

You shake your head in pain which gave him an idea.

"Love let me help you with your back."

He laid behind you and gently rubbed his hand on your back. "Babe, sit up a bit and lean on the wall."

You follow his instructions and feel how his back massage is much deeper but still gentle and soothes the pain perfectly. This makes you moan into his touch causing him to smile knowing that he is helping you through this rough pregnancy.



Sorry that it is a shitty update, I can't think of anything and no one is commenting chapter ideas. I want to at least go to Part 30 before the individual birth posts. And FYI I will not post a part for shopping... Only for a last resort.

Okai lovelies, please read my other stories and let me know what ya think.

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