Louis: Merry Birthmas

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I don't remember what I did for like the special day update or whatever, but in the labor finales, everyone is married.

BTW if you don't know (Y/N/N) is Your nickname

Oh! And I'll probably change a few things like if you can't handle pain or some shit.

Welcome to One Direction Pregnancy Series Labor 1/5 


The nine month mark has come and gone. Yet, you are still pregnant as ever. It is December 22 and you and Louis had pre-planned a visit to Jay, Dan, and the kids for Christmas break/Louis' birthday. Since you are over you're due date, Louis didn't want you to leave the bed, or get walk to the couch, let alone go out on a trip. But you refused to listen to his crazy shit, and packed your suitcase for the mini vacation to your mother-in-law's house.

"Louis! Are you ready?" You shout while carefuly laying in your holiday dress that you bought last week for this occasion. (Dress on the side)

"Yes love. I've been ready for about ten minutes." Louis said walking into the bedroom where you were, finishing your packing. "(Y/N), it's only for a week or two, you don't need to pack fora month trip." He chuckled.

"Well how do I know what clothes I would feel like wearing on what day? I just packed a bunch of pajamas, shirts, camis, and sweats since you and I both know I'll be too dam lazy to put an effort into trying to squeeze into jeans."

Louis laughed agreeing, and zipped up your suitcase for you. "What about shoes lovie?"

"I packed those amazing fuzzy socks that have rubber on the bottom, so they are kinda like slippers too. And I guess I have my UGGS since they're on my feet now.... Oh! And I need one pair of heels to go with the dress! put the suitcase back up I need to grab my amazing aqua heels!"

You wobbled into your walk in closet as Louis placed your suitcase on the bed gently, and unzipped it so you could place the last thing in, since you put your jewelry in another compartment with many different bags for each accessory.

You quickly put the heels in the bag and zipped it closed perfectly.

Louis grabbed the suitcase, with his winter jacket on, and put it in the trunk of his white Range Rover. And you follow him with your maternity sweat pants on, pink tank top, UGGS, and jacket on.

Getting in the passenger seat, you carefully get set in the seat and wait for Louis to start the car.


After the couple hour car ride of you sleeping, Louis finally parked in his mother's driveway. Not wanting to wake you, because in Louis' words, "Baby whenever you're sleeping you always look too beautiful and peaceful to wake".

Louis gently shook you and softly spoke, "Baby you gotta wake up. We're here."

You groan and mumble something inaudible and turn over somehow in the seat and stare at Louis, eyes barely opening, squinting at the shining light that is the sun.

Softly, almost a whisper, Louis says, "Come on (Y/N) once we're inside and settled, you can go back to sleep and nap."

You nod and slowly and carefully get out of the car and stand on your feet.

You go to the trunk of the car as Louis heads to the front door of his mom's house, knocking on the door. Smiling at the sight of your husband, you open the trunk putting both yours and Louis' suitcases on the ground. As you pull both handles up, you close the trunk and wheel the suitcases towards the house, where Louis is embraced in a big loving hug with his mother.

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