Chapter 26 - School Holiday

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For the end of the year’s exam, Xi Wei routinely lent his notes to Klaire for review. With the help of the school tyrant, a slag like Klaire also managed to significantly improve his exam results. He even got 95 points in his most hated class, Imperial History, which left the old man teacher in great surprise.

“How could Klaire possibly score 95?” The old man looked at the report card with face full of doubt,”He is not copying the answer from someone else, is he?”

“No,” said Kelly seriously. “St. Paul Academy’s year-end examination should be answered on the computer in the examination room. The examination room has 360 degrees infrared cameras monitoring it, there is no dead angle. Klaire has not communicated with anyone, he answered all of them on his own.”

“…” The old man still couldn’t believe it and frowned, “He often slept in class, how could he score so high on the exam?”

“Haven’t you noticed that Klaire has changed lately?” Mrs. Kelly smiled, “The boy is not stupid, he used to be at the bottom of every exam because he was too lazy. He loved to sleep and did not like to study. But now, he has finally been enlightened; he has studied hard for this year end examination, so it’s very normal if he gets good result.”

Kelly had taught so many students and seen many naughty children who refused to study, but she had a hunch that as long as Klaire was willing to work hard, he would grow up to have very promising future, otherwise wouldn’t it become a waste of the good genes he had inherited from his parents?

The examination for theory classed soon ended, Klaire not only scored high in history class, but incredibly also got 100 in mathematics! Xi Wei and Carlo both scored full marks.

In contrast, Aiden’s performance was a little poor. He only scored 68 in math, still 2 points away from the passing grade 70.

According to the school’s regulations, students who scored less than 70 points would have to repeat. Aiden who saw this result hung his head, looking very lost. Xi Wei said, “You are only 2 points short, let’s talk to the teacher and see if you can have a make-up exam instead of repeating.”

But Aiden shook his head. He pulled at Xi Wei’s arm and said seriously, “Don’t worry about me, you have to prepare for the fighting class exam in the afternoon. We will talk after the exam.”

After getting less than 70 points and facing the threat of repeating, Aiden’s mood was certainly bad. Xi Wei also didn’t know how to comfort him. He looked at those serious eyes, rubbed the boy’s hair gently and said, “Then you should go back to the dormitory and rest for now. After the test, I will accompany you to find the teacher to ask.”

Aiden nodded and turned away.

Seeing the lonely appearance of the boy leaving with his head hanging down, Xi Wei couldn’t help but feel distressed. If he had to repeat the year alone, he would be very sad. After the test, he’d take Aiden to ask for a favor from the teacher!


The fighting class examination was conducted on the afternoon of this day. Unlike the exams of theoretical classes, the fighting class was a one-on-one individual examination in a small room, which would be personally supervised by Tony and graded on-site.

Before entering the examination room, Klaire went to Xi Wei’s side and asked him, “Xi Wei, how many points do you think I can get?”

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