Chapter 60 - Auction, the Prince who Appears Domineering

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Carlo successfully returned to the capital planet that night. After he reported to his elders at home, he immediately turned and left to find Aiden. He hadn’t seen him for two whole years, and his strong longing to see him made him involuntarily walk faster. On the way there, he felt both nervous and excited. The ring he gripped in his hand was soaked through with his sweat.

When he saw Aiden, he had to fulfill the promise he had made and propose to him, Carlo thought excitedly.

However, when Caro arrived at the door of the villa, he found that everything had turned upside down. The original two-story building had been torn down and replaced with a more lavish four-story villa. There was even a musical fountain built at the entrance. Two rows of five-star fruit trees had been planted in the yard, and their lush leaves shimmered softly silver in the night.

“...” He’d always known that Uncle Randy was rich, but surely that didn’t mean he had to have such a big change in the two years he hadn’t seen him, right?

Carlo took a few steps back, and took a careful look at the house number to confirm he hadn’t gone to the wrong place. Only then did he ring the doorbell.

It was a robot who opened the door. He said mildly, “Hello, the owner is not at home. If you’d like to find him for something, please leave a message.”

He had rushed over to Aiden’s house, wanting to give him a pleasant surprise. He hadn’t expected that Aiden would turn out to not be at home. He had originally been full of excitement, but now it was like he’d had a basin of cold water dumped on his head, and his mood fell in an instant.

Faced with this unfamiliar robot, Carlo frowned, a little depressed, and asked, “Where did Aiden go? When will he be back?”

The robot replied, “The owner has gone to attend an auction, and he’ll return by ten at night at the earliest.”

“An auction?” Carlo was a little surprised. “Where?”

The robot answered, “At the Royal Hotel.”

Aiden opened up the computer he carried with him and did an internet search, and sure enough, there was a huge auction tonight at the Royal Hotel. Some information on the treasures to be auctioned had been released online. Many of them were delicate handmade goods that were unique and unmatched. Some had been studded with silver five-star fruit leaves as decoration, and looked like they were Aiden’s style. So apparently Randy and Aiden had gone to the auction to make money?

Having thought of this, Carlo immediately turned his hovercar around and drove for the Royal Hotel.

The Royal Hotel was one of the capital planet’s most distinguished high-class hotels, with a seven-star rating and a suspended floor plan. The hotel’s lobby was situated on the ground, while hotel rooms of all sizes floated in the air. Sitting in a room, you had a view overlooking the capital planet’s most beautiful night landscape. In a room on the top floor, you could even see the dazzling stars through a glass ceiling.

Tonight, there were lots of high-end private cars parked out front in the hotel parking lot. He guessed they were probably there to attend the auction. The lobby above them was currently brightly lit. That should be the venue where the auction was being held.

Carlo parked his car, then quickly walked to the front counter to show the receptionist his ID card and explain his purpose in coming.

After the receptionist examined his ID card, she found that he was a member of the Bech family, and so brought him to the highest level of the lobby.

As soon as he pushed open the lobby door, Carlo had a shock—the lobby was packed full of guests, and what’s more, many of them were public figures. There were even tycoons who were worth upwards of a hundred million and imperial celebrities from all walks of life, as well as no small number of high-ranking military officers.

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