Chapter 6 - Childhood Sweetheart (I)

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Queen Anna and Lady Grace always had so many topics to talk about when it came to discussing Xi Wei and Klaire’s future fate.

At first, when it was discovered that both Queen Anna and Lady Grace were pregnant, they were told that Klaire’s due date would be on June 22nd in the following year, while the expected date of Xi Wei was in June 29th.There should be a one week age difference between them, but who would have guessed that the two children would be born slightly prematurely instead, and end up being born on the same day: June 21st. That day happened to be the last day of Gemini Constellation, and in the early morning, there was a rare Gemini meteor shower happening. It was as if the universe also wanted to celebrate their wonderfully linked fate.

One year ago, the two small children could be found fighting in Xi Wei’s crib every day, with Xi Wei’s little fist always falling accurately on Klaire’s nose, while the abused baby was busy rolling around in the crib, always trying to get close to the other boy. Even later, after the two of them had learned to walk and talk, Klaire still liked to follow Xi Wei around. His gaze would always trail after Xi Wei’s figure in curiosity, taking in everything he did so that he could imitate him in his own home later on.

Klaire would take notes of all the books Xi Wei was reading, and then asked his mother for the exact same ones—even though most of the time he did not understand what they were about.

He would also take the initiative to give many of his favorite toys to Xi Wei. Unfortunately, little did he know, Xi Wei actually had little interest in those toys.

Almost every day, Grace witnessed her son following and trailing after Xi Wei, and could not help but sigh. She said, “Klaire really likes to be close to Xi Wei, but somehow his relationship with his own brother is not that good.”

Anna was puzzled and asked, “His brother? I haven’t seen him yet, but I heard that he is a very beautiful omega. Klaire doesn’t like him?”

Grace shook her head, “At home, Klaire loves to play with all sort of toys by himself in his room. Also, he started having nightmares a while ago. He said there was so much blood in those dreams, and he couldn’t see anything else but red there. I was afraid he would become cranky, so I usually take him here to play with Xi Wei.”

Hearing this, Anna couldn’t help feeling worried, “He is not even three years old yet, why would he have such strange dreams like that?”

Grace frowned, “I don’t know. I have consulted some experts before, and all of them said that these dreams are difficult to explain… It may have been due to his premature birth though, because Klaire was also born with severe anemia. He even needed to be rescued once during the delivery, and it is a bad omen for an alpha to experience a rescue at birth.”

Anna took hold of her friend’s hand and comforted her, “Don’t think too much about it. You can see that Klaire is very healthy now, I’m sure he will grow up in peace and good health too. Those were just nightmares, they shouldn’t mean anything, right?”

“Yes, I heard that children will sometimes see some things that they shouldn’t see, but it will become better as they grow up.” Grace smiled and continued, “Right, Queen Anna, on Klaire’s third birthday, I’m going to send him to a teacher to study, so he will not be able to come and visit you anymore.”

Anna nodded her head, “I know, Xi Wei also will have to move out soon.”

According to the rules of the Empire, children before the age of three should live together with their mother, and later, on their third birthday, they would finally begin their education. There was no kindergarten in the Empire, so the children’s education for the first two years would all be handled as a responsibility of the teachers chosen by their own family. Their teacher would teach them the basic knowledge of language, numbers, and mechanical things. Then, when they were five years old, they would be sent to school.

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