Chapter 10 - Childhood Sweetheart (V)

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Xi Wei’s self-introduction surprised everyone, but he didn’t care. He said it so directly because he hated Klaire’s attitude of “Xi Wei is an Omega, we should protect him.” Who needs your protection?

Therefore, in their first class meeting, Xi Wei said publicly: I am not gentle, not cute, and I do not need protection!

He had to stay with this group of people for nine years, and during that period, Xi Wei did not want to hear “I want to protect you” said to him every day—just imagining it already gave him goose bumps.

After Xi Wei introduced himself, next in turn was his roommate, Aiden. Compared to Xi Wei’s bold and unconstrained aura, Aiden had a typical Omega character: docile and well-behaved. He walked to the stage, smiled shyly and said in a soft voice, “Hello everyone, my name is Aiden…”

Then he suddenly fell down under the gaze of the crowd…

All the children were stunned, and Xi Wei was the first one to react. He rushed to the stage, held Aiden’s hand and asked, “Aiden? What happened to you? Can you hear me? Aiden?”

The teacher, Kelly, was scared as well. She had taught in so many classes, and Xi Wei was the most special Omega she had ever seen. And while she was still feeling shocked over Xi Wei’s loud and confident self-introduction, another Omega had actually suddenly fainted…

Kelly hurried past. She looked at the pale child lying on the ground, and upon realizing he was unconscious, immediately picked him up and said, “I’m going to bring him to the infimary!”

Xi Wei followed her out of the classroom, and Klaire hurried behind Xi Wei.

The alpha and beta students left in the class looked at each other—there were only two Omegas in the class, but one of them was even more scary than Alphas, and the other one immediately fainted after introducing himself…will this class be okay?

Meanwhile, Carlo, who was sitting in the front row, frowned and said, “Omegas are a real hassle.”


At the school’s infirmary, the doctor did a comprehensive medical examination on Aiden and immediately concluded, “This child has polycythemia, a very rare ‘excessive red blood cells syndrome’, causing him to have serious anemia since an early age, and a very poor immune system. Today he suddenly fainted because of overwork caused by excessive brain ischemia.”

Kelly was very surprised, and couldn’t help asking, “How could he get this disease?”

The doctor looked at Aiden who was lying on the bed, sighed and said, “Have his parents been informed? Tell his parents quickly.”

Kelly said, “The only contact he registered during the administration was his omega father. I’ll contact him now.”

The head teacher went out to contact Aiden’s father, leaving Xi Wei and Klaire in the infirmary. They looked at each other in apparent confusion, they had never heard of this strange disease before, so they were at a loss over Aiden’s condition.

Xi Wei could not help but ask, “Doctor Uncle, excessive red blood cells syndrome, what is this disease ah?”

The doctor explained, “There are things called red blood cells (RBCs) in a human’s bloodstream. They act like cleaners which will help to clean up harmful substances from our body. However, when the number of RBCs exceed the normal amount, they will attack the normal cells in our blood and become the enemies of our body. This condition will result in anemia, organ failure, and can even lead to death in serious cases.”

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