This Delinquent Has A Secret...♥ (3)

Start from the beginning

"Don't wear yourself out, Finnigan." I said coldly, staring him down.

I've always called our dean Finnigan, which is his first name. I don't know why I am the way I am. But I just am. Confusing right?

"Do not disrespect me by calling me that!" He bellowed. "You will call me sir, and sir only." I sighed.

"No, I don't think I will." I said, pursing my lips.

There really was no point in the dean yelling at me. He knew I could care less about staying in this center or not. I came from a rich family of people who lived for work. If I was kicked out of this school, or if it was shut down, i would go back to my old life. Living at home, seducing the maids, and hanging out with friends who I shouldn't hang out with.

But there was a small part of me that knew that doing that was bad for me. So, I stayed in the center, though I came close to expulsion many times. But honestly, who cared about the Delinquency Agency and bieng in the top ten spot?

Sometimes I wondered about Finnigan.

Just like I knew he wondered about me. I stepped outside of his office after he dismissed me with a limp wave of his hand. I came out just in time to see the workers leaving, Mackenize among them. She had chocolate splatters all over her clothes, and some chocolate chips in her dark, wavy hair. Cole had probably started another one of his notorious food fights. I liked the way Mackenzie's clothes hugged her figure, but not not too much, and how her hair fell just perfectly.

But then again, I liked alot of things about alot of girls, so it didn't really mean anything. I wondered if she really hated me for punching her.

Oh who am I kidding!? Obviously she hates me.

But it doesn't change things.

She was the one who had the nerve to go on and talk about America.

America. The rude, vile, country of filth that I would always depise, because of... her.

I never talked about HER. Only Cole knew, and I was not going to tell anyone else.

It didn't matter that Mackenzie didn't know about HER. It really didn't matter. Because after she messed with me that way,, I gave her a warning. And she went and told me that I had something stuck up my butt that was sideways!?

Only an American would say something as stupid as that. First of all, it was plain idiotic that anyone would have something stuck up their arse, and if they did, they would probably die. Disguisting.

I sighed and walked back up to my dorm, where Cole was lying on the couch, watching t.v.

"Hey, man. Did the dean expell you yet?" He asked.

I shook my head. "He wouldn't dare. My parents sponsor more than half of the money this school gets. Finnigan's just a bloody idiot who goes around dishing out empty threats." Cole nodded, agreeing with me.

"So, why'd you punch that Madeline girl anyway? She was pretty hot."

"Mackenzie." I corrected. Cole looked at me wierdly. "Yeah, her."

I shrugged. "She brought up America and then insulted me. She told me I had something stuck up my butt and it was sideways. What kind of a sick American joke is that?" I asked, laying on my bed.

Cole grinned. "Stupid, you know nothing about America. That's the kind of thing people say over there."

I shrugged. "Whatever. Whenever anything about America crops up, I think of... her. And then obviously I have to knock the living daylights out of whichever git said that. I went easy on Mackenzie. I warned her, and she didn't listen."

Cole shook his head. "I can't believe you still get hurt because of.. you know, her! It's crazy, man. You have to get over this!"

I growled and stalked over to Cole. "Don't say that." I spat.

He backed away from me. "I'm just saying, okay? It's kind of crazy that--"

I cut him off, a red, fiery rage growing in me. One rule; do NOT bring up HER. Never. It was my golden rule. I could feal the beast growing in me, eating me alive. This was how I felt whenever someone said something like this about HER.

"Don't speak of her again. Never! Unless you want to end up like Perez." I clenched Cole's arm so hard his face turned red. Finally, I let him go, and he snatched his arm away.

"Damn." He whispered, his face pale as a ghost.

 "Damn, Ash. Get a fu*king grip on yourself. What happened to Perez shouldn't have happened. Just stop." Cole said. He got up and left the room, leaving me immersed in my dark thoughts.

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