And Everything Went Dark

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He shrugged my hand off and stood up, still not looking at me.

"BEN, answer me." I started to tear up, fearing the worst.

He said nothing, just stared at the wall.

"BEN?" I whimpered, trying to grab his arm.

"Follow me. Please." He whispered.

I hesitantly followed behind him as we walked into the hallway, heading towards the stairs.

As we walked, it was silent aside from my occasional sniffles and hiccups.

I have no clue why I was crying, I think it was the fact that the pit in my stomach was growing.

The feeling made me sick.

I felt like I did when I watched Cassie die for the first time.

It made me want to puke, but I trust BEN.

So why do I feel so scared right now?

BEN led me out the front door, and to the edge of the woods.

"What are we doing out here?" I asked, whispering.

BEN took off his jacket and turned around, holding it out to me.

I looked at his face and saw he was crying.

Not blood, but actual tears.

I could see the pain that was evident on his face.

My eyes widened a bit and I grabbed him, hugging him as tight as I could.

His arms fell to his side for a few seconds as he let me cry a bit.

After those few seconds, he wrapped his arms around me.

I could feel his body shaking with each of his sobs.

"Please tell me what's happening." My voice was quiet, and my throat was burning.

"(Y/N), please run. Don't stop until you're out of the woods. It could take days. But don't stop. Not even to take a breath." He whispered.

"BEN?" I asked, fear in my voice.

BEN kissed me quickly and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me away from him, just barely into the woods.

"Wait!" I yelled, trying to go after him.

Something stopped me.

Not a feeling, but a physical wall.

I couldn't see it, but I could feel it against my palms.

It was completely solid.

BEN stopped in his tracks, but didn't turn to look at me.

Almost like he was talking to someone who wasn't there.

I wiped my eyes and went further into the woods.


That single word kept racing through my mind, giving me a head ache.

I listened to it, taking off in a sprint.

I hopped over tree roots and dashed between trees.

It felt like something took over my body, forcing me to run even though my lungs were burning.

I didn't hesitate to let it, knowing BEN wouldn't tell me to run if he didn't mean it.

I gasped for breath, putting my arms above my head to try and get some air in my lungs.

"Don't stop."

I gasped sharply and continued running.

I suddenly heard branches breaking behind me, making me speed up as much as I could, which wasn't much.

"What is that?!" I whispered to myself.

It sounded massive.

The branches braking sounded heavy as they hit the forest floor.

I could feel the streaks from my tears that were previously dry getting wet again.

God dammit!

Stop crying!

I scolded myself, forcing my tears to stop.

I continued running away from the loud footsteps chasing me.

I could see the edge of the woods, making a spark of hope light in my heart.

Until I felt sharp claws dig into my back.

I screamed loudly, hoping someone could hear me.

The small spark that had formed in my heart quickly died as I was harshly dragged away from freedom.

I felt my will that had urged me on just minutes earlier vanish.

The life that had pushed me harder was gone.

The claws dig farther into my back as it continued to drag me like I weighed less than a feather.

"Don't stop."

Those words flashed in my mind.

But I couldn't listen to them.

I couldn't move my body.

My spine.

The claws are in my spine.

I'm paralyzed.

I couldn't fight back, even if I wanted to.

What is this thing?

Why is it attacking me?

Why did BEN send me out here, knowing I could die?

I can answer your questions.

It's the least I can do before your untimely death.



Yes, now, I don't have much time.

Here's a brief summary of your being in this situation.

BEN was sent to kill you, seeing as you summoned him.

But, BEN being himself, allows humanly things to... tempt him.

He saw you as the 'most beautiful girl he'd ever seen' and decided that he wanted more time with you.

He made a deal with you, he would prevent you from crying so much, and you would play a game.

That game would result in your death.

You were smart in asking if he would be the cause of your demise.

But you didn't think to ask if you would die by other means.

Hence why he sent you here.

He was given a set amount of time.

I informed him that today would be the deadline.

He had no choice, so do not feel betrayed.

BEN truly did love you, but this death would save you both the heartbreak that would happen if he didn't.

BEN is complex, even if it doesn't seem like it.

He begged and begged to let me keep you alive, but fate has decided.

You will be missed, and I'm sure I'll have an angry mob waiting for me at the mansion.

But, this is how it must end.

Goodbye, (Y/N).

It was nice meeting you.

And everything went dark.

Cry Baby - BEN Drowned x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora