Chapter-1 (Edited)

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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina

"Hey, Amy! Good morning, someone's early for work?" Said Sarah with pure shock on her face.

My name is Amaya, but my friends over here call me Amy and my family calls me Ammu..Honestly, I would prefer them to call me Amy rather than butchering my name.

I can understand that puzzled look on her face, you see I'm not an early riser at all, I always come to the office at 9 or even 10 some days, and winters make my body glued to the bed.

And moving on to Sarah, She is my office bestie, We sit in opposite cubicles and we didn't like each other at first, because we are what people call polar opposites. But, we were put together in the same project twice and after spending a lot of time with each other, we are totally good friends now and we are more like sisters.

Maybe we don't like the people we would be with life for the first time

She looks like the cute girl next door, with hazel brown hair with red highlights popping in the middle, a few freckles on her nose, radiating blue eyes, and a beautiful smile.

Sad for all the men in the world, She is taken. Sarah got married last year to her high school sweetheart Riyadh, who lives in Texas now.

"Nothing new, I had to leave early. My Cousins wouldn't let me sleep." saying that I placed my lunch bag and phone on the table and settled down on my chair, cursing my cousins under my breath.

My cousins as in my mom's sister's kids, Arjun and Dhruv(Dru) are certified brats, and their only source of entertainment in the morning is annoying me and making my life a living hell.

"What did they do this time?" she asked me in an excited tone.

She loves Arjun and Dru, and how they come up with new ways to annoy me every single day.

"God, I hate you, Sarah! You don't have to live with them, and you are not the one who has to sacrifice her sleep. The answer to your question is they started my day with a Saxophone and Flute and let me tell you it was not melodious, it felt like someone was scratching a chalkboard, and my ears were about to bleed.." I huffed in annoyance.

When I asked them to stop, they told me that they have auditions today. I know that was an excuse so that they won't get yelled at by my aunt for waking me up.

"Wow! Tell Arjun and Dru that I loved their idea. I know you can't move out anytime soon, so enjoy all the time you have with them. After marriage it's gonna be you and your husband, it's gonna be boring.." she said laughing, and continued working after adjusting her glasses.

Some days, It feels like I am the Cinderella, and Arjun and Dru are my evil step-sisters.

You must be thinking, Hmm... Why can't she live alone for god's sake? 

What kind of 23-year-old lives with her aunt's family?

I do, because my grandfather thinks that I'm not capable of living alone and girls shouldn't live alone before marriage, they should either be with their parents or husband. Like us, women can't handle our own lives and we need a man to take care of us.

My grandfather's misogynistic ways make me shudder to the core, but being the really understanding granddaughter that I am, I feel that he loves me too much and is worried about my safety, so he pushed me to stay with Aunt and Uncle.

Things we do to ourselves to keep our family happy are millions but no parent ever gets the sacrifices we make.

Along with staying with my Aunt, he also wanted me to work for my Uncle, but this girl never backs out from what she wants, I fought hard, and It took me 3 months to convince him to let me work outside of their radar after so many tantrums and fake hunger strikes that I declared on him.

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