😯N I N E T E E N 😯

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I woke up with Lauren still laying on my chest. I struggled to get out the bed. She had a tight grip on my waist. I gently removed her arms and used the pillow I was laying my head on to go under her head while I get up out the bed.

I got out the bed and went to take a piss in the bathroom. I went upstairs to check on the kids and see if they was still sleeping and that they was.

I walked out the house and got into my car. I texted boog "going home to get me and mani some clothes be back". I drove the way to south central. Once I arrived at my house I went to go take me a shower. I brushed my teeth and all that.

I went upstairs to emani room and grabbed her some more clothes and shoes. I grabbed her some blue and black Jordan 12s. Some rainbow checkboard vans and some Jordan ones with multiple colors on it.

I then went to her closet. I picked out 2 jogging suits one black and one blue. I picked her some pants out. I just picked her out all black and white shirts. I went to her drawer and hella panties and training bras. I got her some leotards for her gymnastics class later. I got her some socks and her toothbrush and packed it in a cute little duffel bag that's customized with the words "princess emani 👑 "with hot pink and blue glitter.

I then went to my room and grabbed me one of my mcm book bags and grabbed me some clothes. I put in 2 pairs of gray sweatpants boog favorite. I packed 3 white shirts and some white tank tops. I went in the closet and me some dolce and gabana shoes. Some pumas and some all white chucks. I went into my dressed to get me some briefs.

I locked my house up and made my way back to boog house. Before I actually made it to the house I went to the flower store and picked boog some flowers up. Hopefully they make her feel better.

I arrived at her house and I unlocked the door. I walked in the house took my shoes off and went to see if she was up.

I walked in her room and she was in the same spot she was in before I left. I sat the flowers on the nightstand and went to go check on the kids. I walked into the guest room where they wanted to sleep and I saw kam up. Emani can sleep all day if I let her. It's currently 10:34 and  her gymnastics practice is at 11:30 so I have to get her up now.

I shook emani softly until she woke up and once she did she had a attitude. I just picked her up on one side and kam on the other and took them in the bed with boog to wake her up.

I leaned on top of her and started kissing all over her face while mani and kam was jumping on the bed. I kissed her whole face including her eyes. I kissed her lips multiple times until she opened her eyes. She just laid there and stared.

Her and emani is definitely alike. They don't like getting up or going to sleep. Boog will sleep all day if it was just her. Same with mani. Me and kam are morning people. We wake up early.

After she woke up her hair was all over her face. It was still straight from the day before and it was all over her face. I removed the hair out her face and put it in a top knot. The kids ran and smothered her with hugs and kisses which gave me a opportunity to get the flowers and give it too her.

I walked back to the bed with them behind my back "here cuz" I said handing her the flowers. "Awwwnnn thanks babe."she said leaning in for a kiss. We pecked lips a couple times until the kids was like "ewww". I laughed. "Whats eww is all y'all breaths. We need toothpaste and toothbrushes now. "I said and took the kids to go brush there's will Lauren go get ready for the day.

While she was getting ready for the day. I put mani gymnastics clothes on her and I took her to Lauren so she can put a bun in her hair. Kam got dressed. He wore some black vans with a white vans shirt with some black distressed jeans.

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