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Nipsey POV

The other memories was of mani mon. The first time I saw her which was when she was about 5 months since I was incarcerated when she was born. While in jail I didn't receive no mail or nothing from my baby mama which sucks but at least I got my baby girl now.

One of the very first time I saw my nephew Khalil. He was 3 months and still a little baby. Now he 2 in a half. He's pretty well tamed he just likes to hit you and run typical baby shyt.

A memory of my first mixtape I dropped. It was the happiest time of my life. It was the hardest time in my life but also the happiest. It was the time I was in the studio non stop thinking about boog. I was going in nonstop. That's how I copped with my "heartbreak".

Last memory I'm willing to share that was in the treehouse was the one of me and boog. First date the first time we had sex. The first time she felt genuinely happy.

I wanted to bring her here so she can get a piece of mind and so we can talk.

"So boog are you okay"I asked her. I already know what happened I just wanted to know was she gone tell me. 

"Nothing I'm okay we can go back"she said really not finna tell me what I already knew.

"Boog lemme tell you right here. We right here because this is where I express my feelings. This is where I can go and get away and post and look at happy memories of mine. You see you up there. That was one of my happiest days of my life. Now it's your turn to tell me what's bothering you and WE can put it up here and make the best of it" I said making her think on should she make this affect her or should she just lay it out.

"So I got a call saying that it was a family emergency. I get there the family emergency is me because I don't talk to my family. Mind you they all have my number. They chose to disclaim me because I got pregnant with kam. They said I could've picked a different career instead of being a mommy at a young age but I wasn't up for abortions at all.

Then my granny start saying I'm being stubborn and that I hold grudges but I'm actuality it's them. I matched they energy. We got in a whole argument over my parents but when I first got out my car and walked in everybody acted like I was invisible even my parents. They stared me dead in my face and never said a word to me.

So if anything they should come to me not me coming to them. I went this far without them I don't need them now. I'm good my son good. I got nae and that's all I need honestly. Thank you for always being here you and emani honestly." She said wiping her tears and I could do is give her a hug. I never knew she was going Thur all this. No person should experience nothing like this  

"I'm sorry you had to experience all this ...I tell you this how bout we go pick emani and kam up and have movie night at my house if that's cool with you. I mean you still have all yo shit over there anyways"I said making her giggle a lil bit.

"I would like that. Kams at my moms house right about now nae dropped him off can you go and get him for me. "She said while I nodded yes helping her out the treehouse.

We got back into her range and made our way to her moms house.

Once we got there boog got in the driver seat and I went to get kam. Kam hopped in the back seat and I went back to my maybach to head to my mama house to get emani.

Once we arrived we both got out because boog already know that my mama loves her and she wants to talk to her.

"Ayee ma"I said walking in her house.

"What boy I'm in the living room "she said shouting back to me.

"I got a special guest. Guest who it is"I said.

"If it ain't boog I don't want to see it. " She said with no excitement in her voice.

"Surprise"Boog said while mama ran to give her a hug and I shook my head at the two.

They went to the next room to talk and the talk turned into 30 mintues and then to a hour and I was ready to go. I was starving and mama ain't cook today.

"Boog we gotta go"I yelled Thur the room

"Here I come "she said shouting back.

"Boy stop screaming at her. "Mama said coming to hit me in my head and I dogged it.

"That's my wife tho"I said smirking

"Wait whaa"Boog and mama said at the same time.

The love that's up to partKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat