🤫 T W O🤫

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Lauren POV
After the movies yesterday me and nip was talking nonstop. We was up texting till 4 in the morning. Today I supposedly be going on a "date" with him. I really don't have time for nun of this right now but i can tell he really fuccs with me. I also said i was ready to be completely committed to someone so why not give it a try. I said I wasn't going to do the rappers or singers no more. It wasn't for me. I always seemed to get cheated on with. It wasn't that i dont trust them. Its just everything always crumbles down in a domino effect. One thing after another. I hope and pray he is different because i have no time to have my feelings hurt at all.

Its currently 9am. Its a sunny Saturday morning. I have kam this weekend so I planned on taking him out again but,i got a call saying memaw was in the hospital. Memaw is my grandma but kams great grandma. I used to live with her until i got old enough to get my own place for me and kam. I haven't talked to her since when i found out i was pregnant. When she found out she thought I could've made better choices for myself. Picked a career path and stayed there. Back then I didn't understand it but now i do.

Nipsey POV
I woke up to emani jumping on me. I looked at the time and its hella late. I suppose to take emani to my mama house with my nephew khalil. O well they can wait.

I woke up did my hygiene. I brushed my teeth ,washed my face. I also took a quick shower. After about 25 minutes i got out and got dressed.

After getting dressed i sat on the bed thinking why i wake up so late. Then I remember i was up till 4 texting lauren. I said to myself imma make her mines. Aint no way she sitting up till 4 text me back cuhh. I decided to shoot ha a text before i head out.

My future loc💙👅: wassup beautiful how you feeling on this  morning lol😂

Handsome nip🙄🥵: hay boo and im so tired dont make no sense lmaoo. 😂

My future loc💙👅:i know me too but you a real one you stayed up all night texting me back cuhh. I appreciate you cause you could've went to sleep on my ass 😂

Handsome nip🙄🥵: don't flatter yourself 🥵and yea I could've but you went to sleep on me😂

My future loc💙👅:yea ma my bad bout that i was tired asf but what you doing this afternoon around 5

Handsome nip🙄🥵:well im going to the hospital now but should be back around 3.later i was supposed to get ready for our lil date if that's what you wanna call it.

My future loc💙👅:well when you get back i wanna see you. You can get dressed at my house imma come pick you up okay.bring a over night bag too.

Handsome nip 🙄🥵:well okay than i just have to find someone to watch kam.

My future loc💙👅:my sister can watch him if that's okay with you. My daughter and nephew gone be there. If he can go pack him a bag too ma.

Handsome nip🙄🥵:well then okay boo.

My future loc💙👅:see you later girl 😩

(A/N: i know this looks confusing but "my future loc"is nip contact of Lauren in his phone😂."handsome nip" is Lauren contact of him. I should've did it other way but a bihh not redoing nothing at all period to the t. 😂)

Now back to the story

After i got done texting lauren i decided to head out the house and go do a lil shopping for it. My house always clean but i need to get a few essentials right quick such as toothbrushes,toothpaste,candles and condoms😂😳and etc.After that imma head down to crenshaw and slauson and checc on my store with my brother samiel.

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