Chapter 35

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It had been a couple months since anyone worried about responsibilities and things of that nature. Tabitha and Lionel had spent their days watching Netflix and enjoying each other’s company, leaving only to restock their snackage.

“Pass me the chips.” Tabitha asked, reaching for them. Lionel and Tabitha were on the bed, watching Parks & Recreation on Netflix as Lionel rested in between Tabitha’s legs and she rested her back on the headboard. Lionel reached down into the bag of different snacks and passed Tabitha the Honey Sweet Bar-B-Q chips. Tabitha took them and opened them.

“You know, I haven’t heard from you parents in a while…I wonder how they’re doing” She said, digging in the bag and eating a mouthful.

“SHIT. SHIT. SHIT.” Lionel shouted, sitting up abruptly. He grabbed both sides of his head and widened his eyes, getting up and pacing.

“Babe, remember what we said to do when we freak out?” Tabitha said, in a soothing voice.

“Yeah, but those are all pertaining to the baby. There’s no ‘cool down’ method to me telling my parents you’re pregnant.” He said, continuing to pace.

“Shit.” Tabitha said, sitting up and grabbing her stomach. At this stage, you could tell she was pregnant, but she wasn’t yet huge. She was around the 4-5 month mark. “What are we gonna do?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet. But, I will.” He said, tapping his forehead, trying to think.

Suddenly, the phone rang, causing them both to jump. Lionel calmed himself down, and answered the phone.


“Hello, Lionel. Your mother and I were just discussing the throne, when we remembered that Aaron is alive again. So, we’ve decided to give the throne back to him, once we re-introduce him to the subjects.” Mr. Black said.

“Okay, Dad. Thanks for that.” He said, nervously.

“We wanted you all to come over so we can see how you’re doing, as well. We can do everything in the same day.” Mr. Black said, his smile apparent through his voice.

“A-awe-awesome, Dad. We’ll be there in a couple of hours.” Lionel said, gulping back emotion.

“That’s perfect! I will await the doorbell.” He said, hanging up.

Lionel hung up and began pacing again.

“What’s wrong?” Tabitha asked, following him with her eyes. Lionel’s pace sped up and he was beginning to move quite fast. “…borrow my hoodie….do that…noticeable….death” He was mumbling words to himself.

“Lionel, what are you talking about?” Tabitha asked, grabbing him and causing his pacing to cease.

“They want all of us over for dinner. And you’re pregnant, babe. Please, tell me everything is going to be okay…” Lionel said, walking over to her and putting his head on her shoulder in loss of hope.

“Of course, Lionel! Everything is going to be fine! We’ll find a solution..” She said, rubbing his back and hugging him.

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