Chapter 8

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He reached over, grabbed the popcorn, and threw it into the microwave.

"How much do you want sex?" Lionel asked, provocatively.

"Very...much..."She breathed, choking on her words.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"What?" She asked, bewildered.

"I said, how long do you put the popcorn on for?" He said, furrowing his brow in confusion.

I've gotta stay focused, She thought, mentally smacking herself. She had imagined Lionel asking her that question, it never really happened. She tricked HERSELF.

"2 minutes and 30 seconds." She said, composing herself.

"Kay..." He said, chuckling. He noticed what she was doing to herself, and found it amusing. So, he craftily slid past her, pushing himself into her back. She shuddered, clearly enjoying it.

"You like this?" He asked, groaning into her ear.

"L-lionel..." She breathed, shuddering.

"Hmm? What's up?" He asked, speaking quietly into her ear.

"N-nothing..." She said, shutting her eyes tight.

"Hmm...okay." He said, backing away from her and resuming to his previous work.

Tabitha looked at Lionel, frowning at him. But, she refused to show her disdain to him. So, she picked up the popcorn, and transferred it to the bowl.

Tabitha picked the movie Twilight:Breaking Dawn Part 2 to watch.

"Do we HONESTLY have to watch this movie?" He asked, begin to watch another movie. He'd heard that this movie is about vampires and werewolves. He hated the was they portrayed werewolves. Guys who always take their shirts off, and transform when they're pissed. Lionel knew that wasn't true about him, but he DID enjoy his chest muscles..Although, he didn't know what that meant for him.

"Yes! I love this movie!" Tabitha exclaimed.

Lionel sighed as Tabitha popped the movie into the DVD section. She smiled as she plopped back down next to him.

"This movie is great." She sighed, snuggling up to Lionel.

Lionel sighed, but grinned as he looked down at her. He kissed her, and watched the movie. He hated this movie, but he'd watch it a million times if it meant he could be with Tabitha for an hour and thirty minutes.

After Lionel had zoned out, he realized that he'd been "out" for almost 40 minutes. "Woah!" He shouted, shaking himself out of it.

"What's wrong?" Tabitha asked, looking at him.

"Nothing. What's going on in the movie." He asked, squinting at the screen.

"They just got married, now they're going to go on a honeymoon!" She said, dreamily.

"You like honeymoons?" He asked, smiling.

"I've never been on one.." She said, giggling.

"Would you LIKE to?" He asked, thoughtfully.

"Aw, that's sweet. Bit, I'm okay. Don't worry about it. I'm too young for a honeymoon." She said, waving him away.

"Well, we could take a vacation." Lionel shouted.

"Sure." She said, grinning. "Say, do you have vampire enemies?" She asked, crossing her legs.

"What?" He said, growling.

"Do you have vampire enemies?" She repeated.

"Vampires are SWORN enemies of the werewolves. We don't even come in contact with each other!" He exclaimed, cutting his eyes.

"Oh." She said, smiling.

"So don't EVER talk to one. They're known to be crafty liars.." He said, growling.


Hey, readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there will be more to come. I have some things to ask you...

1. What was your favorite part of the whole book so far!? (Comment below!)

2. Do you want me to upload some of my other work. If so, which ones? I have:
  a. Phantom story
  b. Kidnapping story
  c. Regular Teen Love (Slightly.                                     Erotic) Story
  d. Waking Up Married Story
  e. Depression Story
  f. Butler Story

Please comment below what you think I should do! I'm quite excited to please you all with more chapters and more stories! Please follow me, and read my other stories! They're great :)!

Song of the day:
Daughter- Candles

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