Chapter 29

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Aaron angrily picked Annabelle up and walked back to the car.

“I’m sorry, my anger got the best of me! Let me just go back in, I’ve calmed down, I promise!” Anna shouted, struggling to get out of his grip and run off towards the Blooded Wood.

“Annabelle! First off, you’re too loud. They’re all going to hear you and you’re going to blow our cover,” Aaron said, whispering to her. “Second, I’m not letting you go back right now. In fact, I’m contemplating leaving you in the car and handling this by myself.” Anna scoffed in his arms, “You can’t, because if you do-“

“I know.” He said, closing his eyes in an attempt to calm himself down.

“You’ll probably be all lovey-dovey spellbound with her within seconds of hearing her voice. You’re not able to go by yourself.” She said, mocking him.

“If I know this, what do I need you to say it for?” He said, through clenched teeth.

“To annoy you of course,” She said, sticking her tongue out. “And for dramatic affect!” She slipped out of his hands, fell to the floor, and quickly got up, dusting herself off.

“Yeah, whatever. Well, now that you’ve fucked up, we have to have rules,” He said, annoyed. “Rule numero uno; Don’t kill the fucking vampires. I don’t care how far away they are from camp, if you kill one, they’ll know. We just got knocked back to square one because you wanted to be irrational.”

“Hey, keep the hurtful words to a minimum. It’s too late to ask for a re-do, so we’ll deal with what we got. NEXT RULE,” Anna whispered, angrily. “No more stories of how you think you guys might’ve possibly had sex and how great or how bad it was. There would’ve been no need to channel my anger someplace if you hadn’t brought it on.”





“Look, I don’t have time for these childish antics, let’s go.” Aaron said, walking towards the mouth of the woods. Anna waited until he was far enough away and replied snarkily, “Fine.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to hear you?” Aaron asked, breathing on her neck. He had snuck up behind her and pressed himself up against her. She moaned softly, her eyes growing dark with want. “Don’t try me.” He whispered onto her skin, leaving her cold and walking towards the site. Anna bit her lip and trudged on. “Why do you always do that to me..?” She asked, poking her lip.

“It’s the only thing you really respond to, you horny beast.” He said, toying with her.

“Hey, I take offense!” She said, gawking sarcastically at him.

“GET DOWN!” Aaron shouted, jumping on top of her to help protect her from a vampire lunging at her. “Stillwell.” Aaron spat, looking up at the man.

“Ah, so you remember me. I mean, it’s been so long since you’ve come to see my sister, I thought you would have forgotten.”

“Your sister tricked me into thinking I was with her, intimately. I know for sure I’m not.” Aaron said, standing up and cutting his eyes at Stillwell.

“Oh dear, what you two do in the bedroom is none of my business. But this…child,” He said, gesturing to Anna. “is. Unfortunately for you two, I’m going to have to dispose of her. So she doesn’t cause any more trouble for you and Megan.”

“Trouble?! Megan is causing US trouble! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!” Anna said, standing up and jumping up and down. Anna was only about 5’2, and in a world of boys that towered over 6’0, she did indeed, look like a child. “Babe, just calm down. I’ll handle this.” Aaron said, holding her back.

Never the Black GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora