Chapter 31

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Lionel pulled into his parent’s driveway and sighed, his hands tightening on the steering wheel. “Maybe the hospital wouldn’t be such a bad idea..” He said, starting to turn the key in the ignition. Anna grabbed his arm, looking at him with tears in her eyes. “We have to take him someplace he’ll get actual help. This is the place, and you know it.”

Mrs. Black came out of the house, smiling. She walked up to the window. “Hello, dear. Anna! What a pleasant surprise! Are you okay, dear?” She asked, touching Anna’s shoulder lightly. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just really want to get this guy some help.” She said, smiling weakly at her.

“Well, he must be important if he’s making YOU feel this way. I’ll see what Peter can do.” She said, walking over to the backseat and opening the door.

“” Aaron chokes out.

Lionel looked at his mother. “Mom, he’s in bad shape.”

“No, no, he’s dead! This can’t be…” She said, looking at her child, flabbergasted.

“No mom, he’s not.”

“W-why…my baby boy..” She said, tearing up.

“I-I’m okay, mom.” He said, weakly.

“Mommy’s here baby..don’t worry..” She said, bringing him into her embrace. “I can’t believe you’re alive. That’s why you’re crying, isn’t it, Anna?” His mother said, looking sympathetically at Anna. Anna nodded quietly, wiping her tears away. She was crying a lot today.

“We should probably get him into the house, so Dad can look at him.” Lionel said, getting out the front seat and lifting Aaron into his arms and walking towards the house.

When they got inside, King Peter walked down the stairs. “Who’s the lucky pati-“ He stopped, dead in his tracks. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he slowly knelt down on the stairs.

“M-my son..” He said, not believing that his son was in front of him. “H-how is he alive?”

“Can we explain that later, Father?” Lionel said, laying Aaron down on the table that was cleared off.

“Of course, son.” King Peter said, rolling up his sleeves. “Unfortunately, you three are going to have to step out. I need to be able to concentrate on Aaron, and my methods aren’t the nicest. Anna, I know that you wouldn’t be able to handle me treating Aaron any way other than the kindest.. But, that’s not what he needs right now, so that’s not what I can give him.” He explained.

Aaron slowly reached out to Anna and grabbed her tightly, tears falling down the sides of his cheeks. “I-I can’t leave him in here by himself. It wouldn’t be fair, or right. I cant..” She said, shaking her head.

“You might not be able to handle the way I treat Aaron, and if you interrupt me in any way, you could damage Aaron’s mental stability. I’ll be tapping into the corners of his mind.” King Peter explained, holding his hands together.

                “I can do it.” She said, looking sternly at him.

                “As you wish. Lionel, Mrs. Black…Excuse us please.” Mr. Black said, as he watched them leave and                 closed the door behind them. He then proceeded to cut the lights off.

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